1691 21 April Indenture : Marriage Settlement :
Between Sir
George Rivers Bart., of Chafford
Dorothy his
wife, grants to 2,3,4 Trustees.
1. Manor
or Lordship of Ashurst , Kent
2. Chafford
or Chafford Place & Chafford park with lands etc 250A
3. A
barn and land called Fordcombe Fulling Mill & Chepted Mead 100A,
late occupied John Woodhams –
all above in Penshurst, Ashhurst, Speldhurst and Chiddingstone.
4. The
Manor House of Ashurst & lands in occupation Saml Rogers
belonging to same 100A
5. Tenement
in which Roger Rogers now dwelleth with the Fulling Mill 8A, Coney
Burrow Fields 12A :
all in Penshurst and occupied by Roger Rogers
6. Chafford
Island 16A in Penshurst in occupation Roger Rogers
Mill house with 2
water mills, one a Wheate Mill and the other a Malt Mill called Chafford Mills
Chafford Park in Penshurst in
occupation of Robert Hollamby
[Sevenoaks Ward Book : Penshurst 1 -
page 12 box 10 Sevenoaks Library]
‘the mill house and 2 mills 1 wheat and 1
malt, commonly known as Chafford Mills’
[Original at CKS under old
ref : KAO303 T 7-9]
1729 Oliver Stidolph
married Sarah Browne 26 August 1729 at West Hoathley Sussex and their son
William was baptised 2 April 1734 at Edenbridge.
He first
appears in the parish registers at Penshurst in May 1737 when his son Thomas
was baptised there.
Register Entries for Stidolph
1729 26/8 Oliver Stidolph =
Sarah Browne at West Hoathly Sussex
1734 2/4 William
Stidolph was baptised at Edenbridge
1737 12/5 Thomas
son of Oliver & Sarah Stedolf baptised at Penshurst
1740 24/8 Ann dau
of Oliver & Sarah Stidolph baptised at Penshurst
1752 10/2 Hamlin
Stidolph was buried at Penshurst
1765 23/4 Wm
Stidolph = Eliz. Mills at Tonbridge
1766 2/5 Elizabeth
dau of William Stidolph papermaker and wife Elizabeth was baptised at Penshurst
1768 24/8 Sarah
dau William and Elizabeth Stidolph was christened at home by Boyce Rector of
[listed in Penshurst register but does not
appear in Ashurst register]
1771 8/6 Martha
dau of Willm & Elizth Stidolph was baptised by Edwd
Boyce Rector of Ashurst at Penshurst
1772 18/4 Oliver
Stidolph was buried at Penshurst
1772 6/8 Hester
Mary dau of Willm & Elizth Stidolph was baptised at
1775 29/3 Sarah
Stidolph was buried at Penshurst
1778 20/5 Susannah
dau of Thos and Elizabeth Stidolph was baptised at Penshurst
1780 9/5 Sophia Ann dau Willm & Elizth
Stidolph was baptised at Penshurst
1782 17/2 Oliver
son of Thos and Elizabeth Stidolph was baptised at Penshurst
1784 28/12 Wm
2 Hamlin Wm & Elizth Stidolph was baptised at
On JVS card
Stidolph ? Grandson William Hamlin Stidolph Papermaker married Sarah
in 1784 Edenbridge
? LG 1827 William Hamlin Stidolph
bankrupt of Bagnor Mill Berkshire]
1754 Kent
Poll Book
Stedolph Penshurst House and land himself
1757- Penshurst Rates:
1772 Oliver
Stidolph Rate £5 assessment of 2/6d in
Hall Borough Penshurst -
Richard then William Woodhams for
Fulling Mill Island Rate £3 assessment 1/6d
[See appendix 1][Ref: CKS
1721-60 [P287/5/1] 1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1756 6 May Oliver
Stidolph of Penshurst in the County of Kent, paper maker on his Paper Mills,
Fulling Mills and Corn Mills only under one roof in his own occupation not
exceeding £600 Stock therein only not exceeding
£400 £2.10.0 Michelmas
Fire Insurance Policy 152247.[Guildhall Library
ref MS 11936/114]
‘Although the
above policy specifies three mills, the fulling mill appears to have become
redundant after this date which might account for the Chafford Estate investing
at that time in a more profitable venture, possibly at the Stiddolphs’
suggestion. The fact that the paper
mill came into being as a separate entity at a comparatively late date implies
that it was designed to accommodate an engine of sorts requiring a power
transmission to suit. If it had been a
paper mill with hammers and mortars then the fulling mill could have been
adapted for use in the traditional process as earlier fulling mills had
been. But this would have been a most
unlikely course of action in 1756.’
[The Elder James Whatman by
J.N.Blaston 1992 p296/297]
1759/ There are entries of a Ralph Swanton paper
maker in the Penshurst Parish registers
1760 [Transcripts of Penshurst PR’s at Sevenoaks Library]
1762 Wm Stiddolph of Pensherst
(sic) papermaker took an apprentice,
Sam Bostock £10
Apprentices of Great Britain Index IR/1/23/101)
1766 2 May Elizabeth
daughter of William Stidolph papermaker
and his wife Elizabeth was
baptised at
Penshurst [Transcripts of Penshurst PR’s at Sevenoaks Library]
1767 Whereas by Indenture dated on or about 25
December 1767 and made between Oliver Stidolph of Penshurst aforesaid Yeoman of
one part and the said Robert Crofsley the other part it is witnessed that in
the consideration of the sum of £800 to the said Oliver Stidolph paid by the
said Robert Crofsley he the said Oliver Stidolph did devise, grant and bargain
and sell unto the said Robert Crofsley his executors and administrators and
afsignees all those messuages and tenements (one of them lately erected and
stone built) with the barn stable fulling mill water mill paper mill and all
other buildings and premises of about 15 acres then in the tenure or occupation
of Oliver Stidolph and the said William Stidolph the son or their assignees for
1000 years.
[CKS ref: U36 T459]
1769 Stidolph William
of Penshurst took Richard Barker apprentice £50 [IR/1/26/094]
1770 William Stidolph was making White
countermarked paper by the 1770’s
1772 18 April Oliver
Stidolph was buried at Penshurst
[Transcripts of Penshurst
PR’s at Sevenoaks Library - No Will listed at FRC or CKS]
1772 Penshurst Rates: Wm Stidolph rate £10
assessment 2/6d [After this date occupiers were listed
1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1772 29 October
1772 William Stidolph of Penshurst in
the Co. of Kent, papermaker. On his Paper Mill & Corn Mill under one roof
in his own occupation timber and tiled situate as aforesaid not exceeding
£1000. Utensils and stock therein not exceeding £500. £3.15.0 Michelmas
[GHL : MS 11936/210 Sun Fire Insurance Policy No:
303789 (Vol. 210)]
1778 Overseas
of the Parish of Teston
From Wm Stubbersfield and Henry Medhurst jointly of
Teston for the payment of two shillings a week for Richd Selves natural
son of Mary
Selves singlewoman so long as the said Richd Selves shall be chargeable to the Parish of West Farleigh]
[CKS P132/13/1 West Farleigh, Kent document dated 1778]
1779 Penshurst Rates: Wm Stidolph rate £20 assessment £1 and for Fulling Mill
Island Rate £6 assessment 1/6d
CKS 1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film
Tunbridge Wells Guide
‘Chafford, The Paper Mills, Are fituated
on the River Medway about four miles from Tunbridge Wells, on the road leading
to Penfhurft, by Lankinton-Green, and are the property of Mr. William Stidolph.
The mills and appertenancies are large and commodious, and noted for making
fine writing papers but they are now more effentially employed in making
cartridge papers, to fupply the ordinance at the Tower of London: which
commiffion, Mr Stidolph has lately acquired, through the intereft of the Right
Hon.Lord George Germain. The river,
together with the dam, belonging to thefe mills, produces fine fport in angling
during the fummer feafon, which frequently induces the company to make a day’s
paftime there, by leave of the good natured owner, who is willing to render
them every affiftance, to make the fport more agreeable and fuccefsful’.
1780 Penshurst
Land Tax
Wm Elgar appears in the rates books as a proprietor with Edward ?Tomber as
occupier Rate £3 assessment
1781 23 November William Stidolph became bound to
Lake Young of London Merchant and Samuel Burroughs of St Mary Lambeth
bricklayer assignees of the estate and effects of William Harrison late of the
borough of Suffolk glazier £778.10.0d
£380.54 + interest but only £232.8.9 + interest remains due and
unpaid. He also became indebted to
James Taylor principle sum £2000 upon bond or obligation which was lent by
James Taylor to pay off debts.
[CKS ref: U36 T459]
1782/3 William Stidolph Rate £60 assessment of 15/0d
and for Fulling Mill Island £6 1/6d
[Ref: CKS
1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1782 3 January
Stephen Monkton called in about the Trinity Term Court of Kings Bench in
Westminster the debts of Stidolph and
Mills and they did not have enough to pay the principle – they brought their
writ of error upon the judgement in order to gain time for payment
[Kings Bench Records TNA]
Samuel Kendrick of Covil Court St
Martins Lane in order to indemnify the said writ of error the said Samuel
Kenrick for so borrowing bail the said William Stidolph and George Mills and
Thomas Stidolph of Penshurst Yeoman have entered into one bond or obligation
4 December last in the penal sum
of £500. [CKS ref: U36
writ appears to have resulted in a proposed sale of Chafford – however it
obviously did not sell as William
Stidolph entered into yet another indenture to borrow more money.
The solicitors Thomas Swain and
Thomas Bowdler had also not been paid
1782 TNA Ref: C12/127/9 Stidolph v Monktonb r.r
TNA Ref: C12/128/34 Stidolph
v Milsb 1783
TNA Ref: C12/133/9 Stidolph v Montktonb r.r.r 1783
I looked at C12/127/9 – the complainants were
William Stidolph and George Mills against Timothy and Stephen Monchton who were
brothers. They entered into a mortgage
to lend Stidolph money to carry on the business of paper manufacture at
Chafford Mill Penshurst. In Jan
1781 Stidolph was claiming that they
renegaded on the deal. “Jan 1781 William Stidolph received a letter from
Timothy Monchton asking him to meet his brother Stephen in London, they met at
Leaping Bar Coffee House near Blackfriars Bridge where Stephen informed William
Stidolph that Timothy Monchton had surrendered himself as a prisoner in the
Kings Bench Prison. The first sheet of parchment was Stidolph and Mills
deposition and the next two from the Monchton’s giving their version of events.
C33/462 folio 303
(over page) for judgement there were two entries but I could not understand
from either exactly what the outcome was.
Was quite complicated you look in IND:1 for the dates. Then go to C33 to
look for judgement – I was confused and forgot to write down dates so this needs further investigation.
1782 Kentish
Gazette 7th – 10th August [copy from Canterbury Library]
To be Sold by AUCTION
On Monday the 26th Day of
At Twelve o’Clock at Garawy’s
Coffee-houfe, Change-alley. Cornhill, London
Subject to fuch Conditions of Sale, as
will be then and there produced
Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE confisting of a DOUBLE PAPER MILL under one Roof,
worked by a never failing Stream branching from the River Medway, and fupplied
with a very excellent Spring fit for making the beft of Paper, with two
spacious Drying-houfes detached, together with two Dwelling-houfes, one of
which is handfome, genteel, and new-built, ftanding on a pleafant eminence,
with a River in Front, over which is a Chinese Bridge and Fish pond adjoining,
and commands a moft delightful and romantic profpect, with a Stable and other
convenient Out buildings, and above twenty Acres of Meadow and Paftures Land
adjoining; situate together, in the Parifh of Penfhurft in the County of Kent,
about thirty four Miles from London, and four from Tunbridge Wells.
May be viewed and printed Particulars
had, of
Mr Woodgate and Mr Mills, Attorneys, at
Suffex Tavern, Tonbridge Wells; Bell, at
Bull, at Maidstone; and of Mr.BENGE, Effex-ftreet, Strand, London
1783 Indenture between William Stidolph and
George Mills 11th July 1783
Between Robert Crossley of Sevenoaks, George Mills gentleman Sevenoaks and
Stephen Woodgate Gentleman Sevenoaks, Thomas Horton Sevenoaks Schoolmaster and
William Stidolph papermaker of the one part and James Taylor of Kingsdown
Gentleman and Thomas Swayne of Tonbridge Gentleman – [this is when they got
tied to Swayne and Taylor] two messuage and tenements one of these lately
erected and stone built situated in Penshurst now in the occupation of William
Stidolph with a barn, stable, fulling mill watermill paper mills [CKS ref: U36 T459]
1783 Indenture of five parts dated 12 July 1783
between Robert Crofsley the younger of Sevenoaks in Kent wheelwright of the
first part, Thomas Horton of the same place schoolmaster of the second part,
George Hills of the same place gentleman and Stephen Woodgate of the same place
gentlemen of the third part William Stidolph of Penshurst Kent papermaker of
the fourth part and James Taylor* of Kingsdown Kent gentleman and Thomas Swayne
of Tonbridge gentleman of the fifth part. [CKS ref: U36 T459]
[*James Taylor drew up his
will on the 4 November 1772 in which he made his son-in-law William Elgar,
husband of his daughter Hannah, sole executor,
and left Hannah, her heirs and assignees all his lands, messuages etc. He mentioned his grandchildren Thomas,
Hannah, James Taylor and William children of the above William and Hannah
Elgar. James Taylor died in 1787 and
probate was granted to William Elgar on the
2 November. On the
September 1812 administration of James Taylor’s will was passed to his son
William Elgar on the death of his father]
1783 11th and 20th of July 1783 and by an
endorsement 24th January 1784 the buildings and premises with their and every
appurtenances belonging and also all those certain pieces or parcels of land
arable, meadow and pasture containing 15 acres in the parish of Penshurst Kent
theretofore in the tenure or occupation of Oliver Stidolph and late of his son
William and also all that part or parcel of meadow, ground in the parish of
Penshurst commonly called or know by the name Ffulling Mill Island containing 4
acres one rood and 32 perches late also in the tenure or occupation of the said
William Stidolph and also all that small piece or parcel of land to the south
east of Ffulling Mill Island and being separated by the River Medway also in
the occupation of William Stidolph with all the Engines, Screw Presses, Vats
wheels utensils and implements in and about the aforesaid mill and premises and
used in the business of Paper Making situate lying and being on the south east
of Ffulling Mill Island the same being separated by the River Medway and are
(?) and assured etc. [CKS
ref: U36 T459]
The release upon trust to sell - Mr
Robert Crossley by the direction of William Stidolph to
Mr Taylor and others dated 12 July 1783.
Directed by the within named Robert Crossely and from the other named William
Stidolph the consideration or sum of £1060 pounds within mentioned and for
which the said Robert Crossley given a receipt on the back of the Indenture of
Assignment within mentioned to bear date the day at one before the day of the
date of the within written Indenture.
Witnessed Thomas Bowdler and George Lindgard
Received upon the day of the date of the within written Indenture by the within
named Thomas Horton of and for the within named William Stidolph the
consideration or sum of £240 within mentioned to be by them to be paid.
Signatories: Jer Cheveley Geo Lingard John Gamman and Chas Fletcher
Sealed and delivered by the within named Robert Crossley, Stephen Woodgate,
James Taylor and Thomas Swayne in the presence of Tho Bowdler and George
[on the back of 9 sheets of Indenture]
Mary Horton Seven Oaks Kent, widow and sole executrix concerned in the last
will and testament of Thomas Horton. Clement Horton of the Tower of London
(eldest of the two sons) gentleman and William Horton of Sevenoaks School
So Thomas Horton died on 11 July 1783
Indenture dated 24 January 1784 .
[CKS ref: U36 T459]
1784 28 December
Wm 2 Hamlin Wm & Elizth
Stidolph were baptised at Penshurst - this appears to be the last entry for
William Stidolph in the registers.
[Transcripts of
Penshurst PR’s at Sevenoaks Library]
1785 Précis:
The deed ran on as Stidolph borrowed another £200 and then by 1 June
he owed £1,060 and no more plus
interest, £240 and no more plus interest and a
further sum of £340 and no more
plus interest.
Penal sums of £1,400 and £700 +
interest at 5% per annum
Other creditors listed [all
amounts plus interest]
Stephen Monkton of Brenchley
Yeoman £200
Costs to Robert Sharp and Jane
Sharp of Sevenoaks blacksmith £
Piggot of Brasted widow £110
Richard Cossum of Hastings £280
Wooden of Otford butcher £100
John St or k or h Riverhead
Sevenoaks malster £110
James Morris of Tonbridge
gentleman £100
John Still Chiddingstone £
James Richardson of Withyham
Sussex £
William Poorless of Rotherfield
Sussex fellmonger £
Thomas Stooind Tonbridge
gentleman £
following description appears in the deeds:
‘in the paper mills two engines
with a large water wheel 2 cog
wheels 2 swain wheels lead pipes and
brass corks and gear complete one stuff chest brick and lead one ditto
two large vats with frou potto
complete eight presses with iron
screws complete one iron stove and funnels one sizing copper and iron work
thereto belonging and fixed in the lofts and drying houses all the treble sides
standard standers and lines complete and all the implements utensils and
fixtures now being on the same premises
[……] said engines iron presses vats wheels utensils implements and
the solicitors also have to take
out or continue fire insurance at £3,000
As a result of the accumulation
of debt William Stidolph was forced into bankruptcy .
[CKS ref: U36 T459]
1785/7 Penhurst
Occupier late Wm Stidolph Mill
Island £6 Rate assessment 2/0d
Wm Stidolph
or Occupier Rate £100 assessment
[Ref: CKS
1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1785 Tuesday 8
March - Saturday 12 March London
of Bankruptcy against William Stidolph of Chafford Mill in the parish of
Penshurst, Co. of Kent, Paper Maker Dealer & Chapman to appear 19 March at
11 o'clock 26 Mach 10 o'clock and 23
April next at 5 o'clock in the afternoon at the Guildhall London and make a
full discovery and disclosure of his Estate & Effects when and where the
creditors are to come and prove their debts, at the second sitting to choose
assignees and at the last sitting the said bankrupt is required to finish his
examination and the creditors are to assent or dissent for the Allowance of his
certificate. All persons indebted to
the said bankrupt or to have any of his effects are not to pay or deliver the
same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint but give notice to Mr Berry
Canterbury Square Southwark
1785 Penshurst Rates
Occupier late Wm Stidolph Mill
Island Rate £6 assessment 2/0d
Wm Stidolph or Occupier Rate £100
assessment £1/13/4d
Thos Woodhams was paying for late
Stidolphs Rate £11 assessment £1/7/0d
[Ref: CKS
1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1785 June Gentlemans
Stidolph Wm
Chafford Mill, Kent Papermaker bankrupt
1785 Saturday 10 December - Tuesday 13 December
London Gazette
William Stidolph hath in all things
confirmed to the directions of the several Acts of Parliament concerning bankrupts
and his certificate will be allowed and confirmed
1786 1 July Morning
Post & Daily Advertiser In the auction announcements
Chafford Paper Mill by Mr Skinner
& Co
Wednesday 12th July at 12 o’clock at Garraway’s Coffee House, Grange
Alley, London
one lot immediate possession given
A very
desirable freehold estate advantageously situated in the Parish of Penshurst
adjoining the Turnpike Road 4 miles from Tunbridge Wells and 34 from
London comprising an exceedingly good
and convenient double paper mill, worked by a never failing
stream branching from the River Medway and by an excellent spring sufficient to
work both vatts in the dry season with every useful building and messuages
A genteel
dwelling house lately erected and neatly fitted up with suitable offices and
gardens situate on an eminence commanding beautiful prospects and 20 acres of
very good meadow and pasture land
To be
viewed 10 days preceding the sale when particulars may be had on the premises
at the Rose and Crown Tunbridge Town, White Hart Sevenoaks Common at the place
of sale and of Mr Skinner & Co Aldersgate Street.
[British Library
ref: Burney Catalogue 769.b]
1786 London Gazette Tuesday 10 October -
Saturday 14 October
The Creditors who have proved their
Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded against William Stidolph late
of Chafford Mill in the Parish of
Penshurst Kent are desired to meet the assignees of the said bankrupt on the 18
October at 6 o'clock in the afternoon at the Kings Head Tavern Bridgefoot
1786- Land Tax Assessment Penshurst Town and
1788 Proprietor was Occupier late W Stidolph with just occupier rent 4.0d ¼ly assessment
1787 Penshurst Rates
Wm Stidolph or occupier for Mill Island Rate £6 assessment 1/6d
John Woodhams for pt Chafford Rate £4 assessment 1/0d
John Woodhams for Chafford Rate £96 assessment
late Wm Stidolph Houses Paper Mill Island
Rate £100 assessment £1.5.0d
CKS 1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film
1787 2 November
Taylor, one of the parties to the Indenture dated 12 July 1783 died. His will was proved to the sole executor,
son-in-law William Elgar* a grocer of Maidstone.
[*1798 Lease (of lease and release, release
missing) parties (1) William Elgar of Maidstone, Grocer and wife Hannah,
daughter of James Taylor formerly of Horton Kirby late of Kingsdown deceased
(ii) Thomas Fry of Wrotham, yeoman, property called Great Brickhills and Little
Brickhills (11 acres) ? acres) at Sandling in Boxley, Broomfields in Wilmington
(8 acres) , land in Dartford Salt Marsh (1 acres) Mays Lane alias Chalk Orchard
in Wilmington (2 acres) 6 acres in Darent Wood, Darenth including Coopers Sole
or Mount, Darenth and orchard called Styleway (4 acres) in Wilmington.
[Medway ref: 05 de Series 0501 0750/DEO727]
1788 Land
Tax Assessment Penshurst Hall Borough
Mr Taylor
& Mr Swain owners and occupiers paying 0.18 rent assessment 1.16.0
1788 20
February Mr Swayne and Mr Elgar
Agreement Articles of Agreement
Between Thomas Swayne of Tonbridge Gentleman and William Elgar of Maidstone
executor of the last will and testament of James Taylor
Précis from Deed ‘To put up for sale by public auction [before the 6th
date of March] in pursuance of the directions for that purpose (/) in and by
the said trust deeds and also shall and will on or before the 22nd day of the
same month of March execute at the expense of the purchaser to such person or
persons as shall or may happen to become the purchaser thereof …..to be settled
by Mr Fenton…said estate shall be advertised by Thomas Swayne for public sale
by auction twice in the Maidstone Journal and three times in the Kentish
Gazette and London Evening Post and that said estate and premises shall be put
up for public sale at the Bell in Maidstone on Thursday the 6th of March next
at 12 noon by the said Thomas Swayne or some person on his behalf at the sum of
£1400 and that in case no person shall not bid more for the same the said
William Elgar shall be adjudged purchaser thereof at that price.
Elgar is also allowed to match any outside bids providing he covers costs and
charges as well.
- looks as if there is still a loan of £3,000 on Mill.
- or Thomas Swayne borrowing this sum of Thomas Elgar?
- or binding each other perhaps to run the mill together?
Copy of
Auction particulars below in which the
Paper Mill is referred to as Chafford Paper Mills - double paper mill.
[CKS ref: U36 T459]
Sale by Auction at the Bell Inn
Maidstone of Chafford Paper Mills
To be viewed by applying to John Crundwell, near the Premifes; and
further Particulars had, of Mr Bowdler, Attorney, at Tonbridge-Town
On the reverse
Mr Argles
I Thomas Swayne the seller of the within mentioned Estate and Premifses
do hereby give you Notice that I have appointed Thomas Bowdler of Tonbridge
Gent to bid at the Sale of the said Estate and Premifses for me And I the said Thomas Bowdler do hereby
give you Notice that I have agreed to bid accordingly Witnefs our Hands the 6th day of March 1788.
Notice to Auctioneer of Power see attached
[CKS Ref U36

1789 Penshurst
Messrs Damiza* or occupier
for Mill Island Rate £6 assessment 2/0d. [this entry was under
letter 'S' where previous entries for Stidolph had been listed]
Rate £94
assessment £1.11.4d [Ref:
CKS 1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
[*A George Demezar is listed
as an employee in 1803 and he died aged 50 when of Chafford Mill and was buried
at Penshurst 4/1/1818. Another George
appears in 1833 – so it is possible
that an earlier family member was
perhaps Mill Manager and was shown in the rates books. Also between 1784 and 1786 in the London
Directory A William Demezer Paper Manufacturer 75 Whitechapel is listed,
(in 1786 Paper Maker and Stationer).
However he appears in the London Gazette 1789 May 17 - Thurs May 20 declared bankrupt and again April 9-11
William Demezer of Whitechapel Stationer & Dealer.]
1789 Land
Tax Assessment Penshurst Town & Upland and Hall Borough
Owner Mr
Ellgar Occupiers Mesrs Demeza & Stroud
1790 Land
Tax Assessment Penshurst Town & Upland and Hall Borough
Owner and
Occupier Mr Ellgar
1791 Penshurst
Mr Elgar
Mill Island Rate £6 assessment
2/0d Mr Ellgar Rate £90 assessment
Thos Elgar Rate £6 assessment 3.0d
Thos Elgar Rate £90 assessment £2.5.0d
[this presumably for the Mill]
[CKS 1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1791 Land Tax Assessment Penshurst Town &
Upland and Hall Borough
Owner & Occupier Mr Thos Elgar
1792 Penshurst Rates:
Mr Willm Elgar Rate £90 assessment
Thos Woodhams still paying for
Fordcombe & Mill Lane late Stidolph
Wm Woodham Chafford Rate £96
assessment £1.4.0d
Mr Wm Elgar Rate £6 assessment 1/6d
[presumably this is for Fulling Mill Island]
1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1792 Universal Directory of Kent does not
give any lists of inhabitants in Penshurst, Tonbridge or Tunbridge Wells
1794 Penshurst Rates:
Mr Willm Elgar Rate £90 assessment
Thos Woodhams still paying for
Fordcombe & Mill Lane late Stidolph
Wm Woodham Chafford Rate £96
assessment £1.4.0d
Mr Wm Elgar Rate £6 assessment 1/6d
Thos Snatchall for part Chafford
Rate £126 assessment £1.11.6d
[CKS 1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1794 Between
1794 and 1801 The actual Land Tax documents for Penshurst Town & Upland and
Hall Borough bear “W Elgar” watermarks
some with a date some without - the
latest found being on the 1801 assessment W ELGAR 1798. These assessments are on separate sheets and
I do not think that this proves that Elgar was still involved with the business
after Turner took over Chafford 1796. [see appendix]
1796 Wove
paper made by W. Elgar, who controlled
Chafford Mill has also been found dated 1796.
p 192 and watermark in Society of Antiquerus Sumptibus Vol IV plate VII
July 1802] [Papermaking in Britain
1488-1988 Richard L. Hills p.77]
1796 Jane Austen’s Letters collected
and edited by Deirdre Le Faye 1995.
Notes to letters from p.355
Letter 3: To Cassandra Austen
from London to Stevenson Tuesday 23 August 1796.
One leaf quarto wove. Watermark
ELGAR & SON [written on both sides]
at end ‘The device which appears on many of the letters of a coronet above an
elaborate escutcheon up which a post-horn, sometimes with initials or monogram
below (Heawood Nos 2752-63) was used by a number of different papermakers at
the end of the eighteenth century.
1796 Penshurst Rates:
1796 Penshurst Land Tax
Mr William Turner £4 rate 16.0d first appears [CKS Film 124]
1796 William
Turner & Sons of Chafford : William Turner is listed attending a General
Meeting of the Master Papermakers of Kent at the Star in Maidstone [Balston
Papers JVS] No Elgar Listed
1796 William Turner was a master paper maker, Meeting of Paper Makers
of Kent and Surrey
Feb 1796) PSM (Papers from Springfield Mill*).
The mill was in his hands after 1800
[*Springfield Mill was built by William Balston (foundling apprentice
of James Whatman II) during 1805 -1807. Balston always thought that Whatman
would leave Turkey Mill to him but in 1794, disillusioned by endless problems
with the workforce, Whatman sold to the Hollingworth brothers but with a
partnership position for Balston. However, Balston fell out with the brothers
and started to build a mega mill on the Springfield site. William Balston was
Chair at many of the union meetings.
[Information from Maureen Barcham Green]
1796 Account
taken from the diaries of Joshua Gilpin published in the Quarterly, October
1996 No2 about his visit to paper mills in Kent, 1796.
he visited William Turner on (Saturday) 12 March 1796.
and J Field went to Tonbridge. After
bread fast called on Piper, Shewed me a plan of Smith mill [and] elevation of
the engines etc. Called on William Turner, mould maker. Saw a number of
moulds. Same as usual but strengthened
in the middle by a brass wire running through the ribs one end to the other. Did not see [Turner] himself but left word
about his prices. I find that 54 inch
felting cuts very well for larger Post and medium may be cut lengthways of the
stuff and one width makes 3 folds wide.”
from Maureen Green: These diaries are in Pennsylvania Historical Museums
Commission, Harrisbury PA USA; Division of Archives and Museums. Joshua Gilpin
‘Journal and Notebooks’ 1790-1801.
Apparently he returned in 1811-14.]
1798 Penhurst
Wm Turner Rate £70.12 assessment
[Ref: CKS
1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1798- There
is a gap in the Penshurst Rates between these dates but not in the land tax
1802 where
William Turner is shown paying tax
1798 Land Tax Sheet for
East Malling for 1798 had hallmark
1799 12
Turner is listed at a General Meeting of Master Paper Makers at the George
& Vulture Tavern Cornhill London [Ref: JVS]
1800 William
Turner attended the ‘General Provincial Meeting of Master Papermakers’ held at
the Star Inn in Maidstone.
[Box B Maidstone Museum
Ref: JVS]
c1801 Turners Papers 1798-1820 by Peter
Atholl looking towards Kiliecranke
wove drawing paper watermark W ELGAR 1796
1802 Kent Poll Book [GH]
Turner Penshurst
John Green Speldhurst
1802-4 Penshurst Rates:
Mr Wm Turner Mill Island Rate £6
assessment 6/0d
Mr Wm Turner Rate £70.12 assessment £3.10.7d
CKS 1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film
Turner is paying land tax in Ashurst
1803/4 William Turner
attended the ‘General Provincial Meeting of Master Papermakers’ held at the
Star Inn in Maidstone. [Balston
Papers ref: JVS]
1803 19 September
At a general
Meeting of the Master Paper Makers held at the Bell Inn Maidstone it was resolved that the names of the workmen
employed at
the different
Mills in the County, prior to the Ninth July last, be immediately transmitted
to the Chairman, in order for their being printed and circulated.
[Balston Papers: Ref: JVS]
1803 22 September Letter from Chafford Mill
I have enclosed the
names of those men who were in my employ prior to the 9th July last
I am yr obd serv t Wm
Thos Hews: Jn Neal: Rob t Hunt:
Wm Storm: Thos Fisher:
Geo Clear: Edw Franklin,
Geo Demiezer: Geo French: Wm Vanil: Wm
Constable: John Childs: Jms Heath.
[Balston Papers: Ref: JVS]
1805/6 Land Tax Assessments for Penshurst bear
watermark W TURNER 1802
1806- Penshurst Rates: Mr Wm Turner Rate £195 assessment varied from £2+ - £7+
1760-1801 [P287/5/2] Film 956]
1811 8 November Land
Tax Assessment for Penshurst Town & Upland bears watermark
1812 William Turner
attended the ‘General Provincial Meeting of Master Papermakers’ held at the
Star Inn in Maidstone. [Balston
Papers JVS]
1812 8
October George William Turner eldest son of William Turner of this Town
papermaker and Freeman of the Corporation (Maidstone) desired to be made free
by his father’s copy - was made free by patrimony 6d fine [CKS
Film 569]
1812 8
October William Turner a younger son of William Turner of this Town
papermaker and Freeman of the Corporation desired to be made free by his
father’s copy - was made free by patrimony
40s fine [CKS
Film 569]
1812 The Nottinghamshire Archive Office holds
correspondence of the United Company of Framework Knitters which was formed in
campaign for legislation to improve conditions in the hand operated knitting
collection contains 112 letters dated between February and August 1812. One with countermark W TURNER & SON wove Leicester 6
Quarterly 2 p7 Glenys Crocker] [NAO
ref: CA3984/I/1-179 In Jan 2005 they were unable to locate which letter had the
1812- Penshurst Rates:
1816 Mr Wm Turner Rate £190 assessment
varied from £2+ - £9+
1813 Watermark G & R Turner 1813 [CKS KAO P
173 5/2 part II]
G & R Turner marks are rare but
have been found in Cotman & Bonington drawings.
[Balston p.289 JV] (John
Sell Cotman 1782-1842 and Richard Parkes Bonington 1802-28)
1813 Jane
Austen’s Letters* collected and edited by Deirdre Le Faye 1995.
Notes to letters from p.355
94: To Cassandra Austen from Godmersham to London Tuesday 26 October 1813
leaves quarto laid watermark W.TURNER & SON 1810: red wax seal with
impression of ship.
A 27 Oc 27 1813 Faversham 47. [Pierpont Morgan Library New York (ref MA 2911)]
[*Jane Austen’s Letters collected and edited by Deirdre Le
Faye 1995
Note at the end – The device
which appears on many of the letters of a coronet above an elaborate escutcheon
up which a post-horn, sometimes with initials or monogram below (Heawood Nos
2752-63) was used by a number of different papermakers at the end of the
eighteenth century – including some of those names above.]
1813 Jane
Austen’s Letters collected and edited by Deirdre Le Faye 1995.
Notes to letters from p.355
95: To Cassandra Austen Godmersham to London Wednesday 3 November 1813
leaves quarto laid. Watermark W TURNER & SON 1810 small red wax seal design
not clear.
[Pierpont Morgan Library New
York ref MA 977-34)]
1813 Jane
Austen’s Letters collected and edited by Deirdre Le Faye 1995.
Notes to letters from p.355
96: To Cassandra Austen Godmersham to London Saturday 6 – Sunday 7 November
leaves quarto laid watermark W TURNER
& SONS 1810
[Pierpont Morgan Library New
York ref MA 977 – 35]
1814 Jane
Austen’s Letters collected and edited by Deirdre Le Faye 1995.
Notes to letters from p.355
107: To Anna Austen from Chawnton to Steventon Friday 9 – Sunday 18 September
leaves quarto, wove watermark W TURNER & SON no date
[MS St Johns College 279]
1815 Jane
Austen’s Letters collected and edited by Deirdre Le Faye 1995.
Notes to letters from p.355
124: To John Murray from London Hans Place to London Albermarle Street Friday 3
November 1815
leaf quarto wove watermark W TURNER & SON no date
[CKS Chevening Collection
U1590/C.474/Autograph Letters Miscellaneous - as at 2005 this had been returned
to the Chevening Archive]
1815 Jane
Austen’s Letters collected and edited by Deirdre Le Faye 1995
Notes to letters from p.355
No 125A To Jane Austen from London
Carlton House to London Hans Place Thursday 16 November 1815.
leaves quarto wove watermark W TURNER & SON no date p4 blank accompanied by
remains of wrapper part of folded quarto sheet Postmark Two by post unpaid
Jermyn St
o’clock 16 No 1815 F.Nn [Pierpont Morgan Library New
York ref MA 103-10 & 11]
1816 William
Turner is listed attending a Meeting of the Master Papermakers of Kent at
the Star in Maidstone [Balston Papers JVS]
William Turner was the proprietor and
master paper maker at this mill
General Letters 8 October 1816) [To date these letters not located TNA]
1815- James
Roberts, David Hollomby, Thomas Knellar, William Davis are listed as of
Chafford Papermakers 1819 in the Penshurst Baptism Registers.
1819 [Original
registers seen at the Parish Church of St.John the Baptist Penshurst]
1816 8 October :When the allocation of Excise numbers were being
made to paper mills William Turner, paper maker, of Chafford,
the number 389 and his mill was placed in the Sussex Collection* [Excise
General letters 8 Oct]
from the Simmons collection on Wind and Water Mills held at Imperial College
Library, London.
This is a huge collection of cuttings and the like,
that H.E.S Simmons collected over a lifetime. The information runs into
like 40 volumes of photocopies, arranged
1817 October : Change of occupation at Mill no 389 at Chafford in
the Sussex Collection. Present
occupiers G. W. & R Turner, Paper Makers
[Excise General letter 8 Oct] ][Simmons
collection on Wind and Water Mills held at Imperial College Library].
1818 Maidstone 15 June
this Court Richard Turner a younger son of William Turner papermaker and
freeman of the Corporation desired to be made free by his father’s copy 40s
fine (free by patrimony) [CKS film 569]
1818 There
are surviving records for the Kent Manor or Hundred of Somerden dating from
but there was no mention of either Stidolph/Elgar/Turner until 1818 when
Turner first appears in a list ‘Inquisition for the King’
[Sevenoaks Library Ref:
1818/ Penshurst Rates:
1819 Wm Turner Rate £120. assessment £3.0.0d
[see appendix 11] [CKS Film
1820 Paper
machine producing 36” paper was built [was this installed at Chafford ?]
[Arjo Wiggins Archive]
1821 May Penshurst Population Account
Wm Turner Papermaker 4
males 3 females
3 males between 20-30 one between
50-60 l female 15-20 1 between 20-30 and
1 between 50-60 : The following men
were listed as papermakers
Wm Davis, Thomas Hands,
James Ovenden, John Piper, James
Roberts, James Reddy,
John Ovenden, Thos.Bloodworth, John
Gillett, Henry Dry and David Hollamby, Barbary Davis, John Parson, Thos Allcorn
[CKS P287/18/15/2]
1822 Penshurst
Wm Turner Rate £80 assessment £2
Turner Geo & Richd £47
Land Tax Assessment for Penshurst
Hall Borough bears watermark G & R TURNER 1821
1825/6 Penshurst Rates:
Turner Willm £80. Turner George & Rd Rate
£47. assessment £1.3.6d
[Ref: CKS ]
1826 3rd
Turner and Eliza Edwards were granted a marriage Licence (Arch of Lewes
Marriage Licences) they were married
Withyham East Sussex on 11 April 1826. the copy from ESRO is very poor and I
cannot read the witnesses
1822- John
Anthony, George Mawcumber, Mesheck Nash and Thomas Alcorn are shown as employed
at the
1828 Paper
Mill in the Penshurst Baptism Registers.[Registers seen at the Church]
1828 19 November
William Turner
aged 65 was buried at Penshurst
[Altar Top:
Sacred to the Memory of William Turner died 15 November 1827 aged 66
Elizabeth his widow died 12
January 1837 aged 79 years William son of the above of Chafford died 28
December 1858 aged 47 years North Side – Sarah the widow of David Edwards late
of Withyam died 15 November 1842 aged 76 years
West End Mary daughter of
Richard and Mary Turner of Chafford in the Parish died September 1832 aged 9
months South Side David Edwards late of Withyam in Sussex died
11 July 1836 aged 53 years.]
1829 23
the twenty third day of May admon of the goods and chattels and credits of
William Turner late of Penshurst in Kent Paper Maker deceased was granted to
Elizabeth Turner widow the relict
[Prob 6/205 pp179-250][there
was no mention of William Turner in the index to Inland Revenue documents
IR27/211 1829 ]
1829/ Penshurst Rates:
1830 Turner Messrs Rate £173.5.0d
assessment £4.6.7½d [CKS Film 124]
1828- Penshurst
Land Tax
1831 Turner
Messrs George & Richd themselves [CKS Film 124]
1829/ London
Post Office Directory
G & R Turner paper manufacturers St James Place
1830 Emily Turner daughter of Richard and
Eliza born at Bermondsey according to 1851 census - does not appear baptised at
1830 Friday
June 18th. London
is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between us the
undersigned, George William Turner and Richard Turner carrying on a business as
paper manufacturers under the firm G & R Turner at Chafford, in the Parish
of Penshurst, in the County of Kent, and at Bermondsey, in the County of
Surrey, but which business at Bermondsey was in fact the sole property of the said
George William Turner, was on the 11 day of June dissolved by mutual
consent. The debts due to and from the
said partnership, in respect of the business at Chafford, will be received and
paid by said Richard Turner who will continue the business there on his
separate account. The business at
Bermondsey will be carried on by said George William Turner on his own account,
separately as heretofore, and all debts due in respect of thereof will be
received and paid by him.
15 June 1830
1830 18 October Arabella Eliza daughter of Richard Turner
Paper Manufacture & Eliza
born she was baptised at Penshurst 2 June 1831 [CKS DR6/RT2/287/1-4 BT's Penshurst]
married Henry Warden in 1848 who owned Chafford Mill from 1868.
1931- Penshurst
1834 Turner Richd Rate £173.5.0d. assessment £4.6.7½d
1830- William
Field, William Lucas, Thomas Horscroft, George Demeza, Thomas Mullard and
William Lucas are shown as Papermakers
1838 of
Penshurst in the Penshurst Baptism Registers [seen at the Church].
1831 Turner’s
Later Papers A Study and Use of his
Drawing Papers 1820-1851 by
Peter Bower 1999 Chapter on White
Papers p 55
A Collection of sketchbooks used
by Turner on his 1831 tour of Scotland
Blue wove paper covered boards, foolscap octavo (6 ¼ x 4) containing
three folded sheets of an off-white double-faced laid writing paper watermarked
Britannia and countermarked W TURNER 1828.
Made by William Turner at Chafford Mills, Fordcombe Kent (see also
Gandolpho to Naples Sketchbook (TBCLXXXIV) for another example of William
Turner’s paper used by Turner). There
is no evidence that William Turner ever supplied stationers other than in
London and the home counties.
1831 Mr. Turner, an English paper-maker,
obtained a patent for a peculiar strainer, designed to arrest the lumps mixed
with the finer paper-pulp, whereby he could dispense with the usual vat and hog
in which the pulp is agitated immediately before it is floated upon the endless
wire web of the Fourdrinier apparatus. It could also be applied advantageously
to hand paper machines.
Munsell, J., 'Chronology of the Origin
and Progress of Paper and Paper-making' (New York; London: Garland Publishing
House Inc., 1980), p.93. Munsell was originally published circa 1860s.(MG)
1831 21
March Patent Turner George William 6095 Machine for
making paper
grant unto George William Turner of the Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen
Bermondsey in the County of Surrey paper maker. For his invented or found out
‘certain improvements in machinery or apparatus for making paper’. England
& Wales and the town of Berwick on Tweed
C73/38 This was a close roll of several
yards! I did not read it but seemed to be about a sieve – would cost at least
£14 to photocopy and this did not include the two plans – in the same roll
there was a patent for J Edward Newman Fourdrinier for cutting paper]
1831 Pigots
London Directory under Paper Makers
and Paper Warehouse Wholesale
William & George Blue Anchor Mill, Blue Anchor Lane and Fountain Mill
Fountain Stairs Bermondsey
1831- Pigots
London Post Office Directory
1834 G.W. Turner paper manufacturers Fountain
Mills Bermondsey
1832 Penshurst
Land Tax [CKS Film
Richd himself
7 August
Mary Agnes Turner daughter of
Richard Paper Manufacturer & Eliza was baptised at Penshurst - she was
buried aged 8 months on 29 September
[CKS DR6/RT2/287/1-4 BT's
Check list issued 28 Nov 1832 – Mill No 389 [Chafford] was
in the Tunbridge Wells 2 Ride of the Sussex Collection,
but its location and occupier are
not stated.
General Letters] [Simmons collection on Wind and Water Mills held at Imperial
College Library].
1833 Alfred Lord Tennyson used plain white wove
paper, watermarked: R.Turner / Chafford Mills
draft some of his poems*. [In memoriam, fragments (E.T.)] [n.p.,n.d.} 10f.
Alfred Tennyson, Baron 1809-1892. Papers: Guide – Houghton Library Harvard
College Library, MS Eng 952.1 /
101 Loose Papers]
[*‘The paper in the folder (101)
is watermarked as described in the finding-aid; there are ten sheets measuring
23 cm. wide and 18.5 cm. tall;
each sheet folded in half to make four pages 11.5 cm wide, and the first and
third pages have a circular boss in the upper left-hand corner with a
crown in the middle and the words "London" above the crown and
"Superfine" below it.
A penciled note (E.T.) indicates that this fragment is in Emily Tennyson's
hand. It begins with the following stanza of "In Memoriam:"
Fair ship that from the Italian shore
Sailest the placid ocean plains
With my lost Arthur's loved remains
Spread thy full wings and waft him oer
The last stanza included in this fragment is:
Rise happy morn! rise holy morn!
Draw forth the cheerful day from night
O Father, touch the East and light
The light that shone when Hope was born
There is more information about the collection of Tennyson papers in the
"Scope and Content" section of the finding-aid:
[Susan Halpert, Reference Librarian, Department of Public Services, HOUGHTON
LIBRARY Harvard University]
1833 16 March : Correction
to General Letter of 28 Nov last. Mill
No 389 at Chafford in the Sussex Collection, Tunbridge Wells 2nd
Ride. Mill now occupied by Richard
Turner Paper Maker [Excise General letter] [ Simmons collection on Wind and
Water Mills held at Imperial College Library].
3 October
Richard David Rains Turner son of
Richard & Eliza Paper Manufacturer was baptised at Penshurst [CKS DR6/RT2/287/1-4 BT's Penshurst]
He later had Roughway Mill
Tunbridge Wells Visitor 20th September 1834
Wednesday morning, their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Kent, and the Princess
Victoria, attended by their suite, paid a visit to Mr Turner’s paper
manufactory, at Chafford. The weather
being uncommonly fine, and the beauty of the scenery of the surrounding
country, made the excursion more agreeable to the Royal party. On their arrival, their Royal Highnesses
were received by Mr Turner, Captain Cooper, and Mr Madden, M.C. Their Royal Highnesses and suite, were then
conducted into the different rooms, and the whole process of the manufactory
was fully explained to them by Mr Turner, from its commencement to its
completion. Their Royal Highnesses having expressed their admiration of the
different papers offered to their inspection and more particularly of the
coloured ones, the whole process of which they had witnessed. Mr Turner
immediately requested they would do him the honour of accepting some of each.
Prior to leaving the premises, Mr Turner respectfully solicited their Royal
Highnesses would condescend to pass through his dwelling-house, which they most
graciously acceded to; and on their entrance into the drawing-room , were
received by Mrs. Turner, mother of Mr. Turner, an elderly lady, to whom her
Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, showed marked civility. The party having partaken of some fruit,
expressed the gratification their Royal Highnesses had received from the polite
attention of Mr. Turner, they walked
through his pleasure grounds, and took their leave. On entering their
carriage, a very fine specimen of Hop was presented by a gentleman to Her Royal
Highness the Princess Victoria, with a request that she would accept it as the
produce of a Kentish hop garden
1834 The
Princess Victoria wrote in her Journal
17th September
10 we went to Mr Turner’s paper mill near Speldhurst with lady Flor, Lehzen,
Lady Conroy, Victoire, The Dean of Chester and Sir J.C. [John Conroy]. It was
very curious. We came home at 1.
[Ref: RA/VIC/QVJ/1834:
1835 Kent
Poll Book
Maidstone: Turner George William St
Mary Magdalen Bermondsey.
Penshurst : Turner Richard Penshurst
1835 Freeman
List of Maidstone:
William Turner free 8/10/1812 London Birth
Turner free 8/10/1812 Penshurst Birth
Turner free 15/6/1818 Penshurst Birth
1935 Critchett
London Directory
Turner & Davey paper manufacturers Fountain Mills Bermondsey
1835 5 May
George William Turner Paper Manufacturer of Fountain Mills, Bermondsey Wall,
London bankrupt [JVS] No reference found in the London Gazette giving the above
full address but found entries below:
1835 Tuesday
5th May London
awarded against George William Turner and Henry Davey of Bermondsey in the
County of Surrey Paper Manufacturers, Dealers and Chapman they being declared
bankrupt hereby required to surrender themselves to Charles Frederick Williams
12 May at Ten and on the 16 June next at 12 noon and make a full disclosure of
their estates and effects, when and where the creditors are to come there to
prove their debts.
1835 Friday 15th May London Gazette
creditors who have proved their debts against George William Turner and Henry
Davey of Bermondsey in the County of Surrey Paper Manufacturers are requested
to meet the assignees Saturday 6th June next at 11 a.m. at the Court
of Bankruptcy in Basinghall Street.
1835 Tuesday
18th August London
the Commissioner acting in the prosecutions of a Fiat bankruptcy against George
William Turner and Henry Davey of Bermondsey in the County of Surrey Paper
Manufacturers hath certified to the Right Hon Lord Commissioners that the said
George William Turner hath in all things conformed himself according to the
directions of the Act of parliament……… The
certificate of the said George William Turner will be allowed and confirmed by
the Court of Review 8th September next.
1835 Tuesday
18th October London Gazette
Frederick Williams one of his Majesties Commissioners for bankruptcy bearing
date 1st May 1835 against George William Turner and Henry Davey of
Bermondsey in the County of Surrey Paper Manufacturers, Dealers and Chapman
will sit on the 5th day November next at 12 noon at the Court of
Bankruptcy at Basinghall Street, London.
1836 R
watermark is in a paper in the collection of the late E.J.Labarre, Hilversun
(date of document) Paper-Maker, Richard Turner Chafford Mill, Kent.
Shorter (1971) p 251 ref Original
Papermakers recorder March 1902.
produced the Dictionary of Paper Making [Contacted the University of Amsterdam
although they have most of his books etc did not seem to know anything about
his original manuscript collection]
1837 The
list of English, Scotch & Irish Paper Makers [NPM/DIR]
No 1: Mill No 117 Turner & Co Blue
Anchor Lane Bermondsey
Sussex Mill No 390 G & R Turner Chafford
1837 From
The Report from the Select Committee on FOURDRINIER’S
PATENT’ with the Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix Printed 1 June 1837.
Turner gave evidence regarding use of the Fourdrinier which indicates that the
Turner’s were using one at Chafford.
Clapperton. R.H., The Paper-making Machine, Its
Invention, Evolution and Development,
(Oxford:The Pergamon Press, 1967), p. 291
witness was George Turner, paper-maker, who said that although it was claimed
the Fourdrinier machine would do the work of
five hand-made vats, it was capable of doing
seven vat's work, and he frequently did this
amount in his own mill.'
Turner was speaking on the behalf of the Fourdrinier family who were
instrumental in
development of the paper-making machine. They went bankrupt in a big way
and the
fraternity petitioned parliament in order to gain recognition for their work
and a
pension for surviving members of the family. The enquiry by The Select
Committee of
House of Commons was held on the 9th of May, 1837.
1837 Nottinghamshire
of Thomas Musgrave (1788-186) Edge of Strelley [DD/E/194-DD/E/222] Chiefly correspondence :
DD/E/215/24 dated 10 August 1837 Watermark :
R. Turner, Chafford Mill 1835.
1838 13
September Richard and George
William’s brother William Turner (40) no occupation died at Peckham House -
cause debility.
Benjm Carrington, Resident Surgeon Peckham House* [death
was buried at Penshurst on the 18 September William Turner aged 47 of the
District of Camberwell.
[CKS DR6/RT2/287/1-4 BT's
Penshurst][No will found]
*Peckham House, the former
mansion of the Spitta family which later became a lunatic asylum, was
demolished in 1954 London
Encyclopaedia] [Peckham House,
Peckham licensed to Dr
Armstrong appears in a list of Metropolitan Licensed Houses 1870 – 24th
Report of Commissioners in Lunacy – pp XXXIV]
1840s R
TURNER PATENT TALBOTYPE watermark, produced for Fox Talbot in the 1840s. Other
Turner watermarks found in papers used by photographers include R TURNER
R TURNER CHAFFORD MILLS (Robert Murray) and R TURNER 1847 (Samuel Smith)
Quarterly No 22 April 1997 Calotype
papers and Richard Turner of Chafford Mills by Colin Osman][Although
there was reference to a patent entered by Fox Talbot I could not see any
mention of Turner in the index of patentees at the TNA at this date]
London Trades Directory under Papermakers &
Warehouses there is a Fountain Mills listed in Bermondsey
[Checked 1841 census Fountain
Street, Bermondsey – Boyds Rope Walk -There was a papermaker but not Turner
Papermill Cottage & House part of Blue Anchor Lane but could not identify
anyone listed with a paper linked
1841 6
June Census: Richard Turner(40)
Paper Manufacturer listed at Chafford
1842 26
May Penshurst Railway Station was opened
1843 Board of Inland Revenue Miscellaneous papers
There was an account showing total
expenses incurred, whether for machinery or in any other way connected with the
manufacture and printing of the Penny Postage Stamps & Envelopes 1840-42 in
which there was no mention of Turner or Chafford. [TNA IR79/3]
1843 March
- June Chafford received thirteen
tons of rags barged from London to Tonbridge
cost of barging four deliveries of rags from ‘Port of London to Tonbridge’ was
£6 4s 0d.
transport costs are recorded , 13th April – 14 bales and one bag of
hide pieces (for making size) weighing 1 ton 3 cwt 2 qr 24 lbs, cost of barging
was 11s 10d; 4th May – one ton of guano, the cost of barging
including London charges was 14s.
[MALSC Medway Navigation
Accounts financial miscellaneous ledger
1828-44 SMN FL27 p.131]
Chafford & Roughway paper Mills, the
Turners and the Transvaal by
Jeff Woolgar
The Transvaal Philatelist v.39 No 3 (151)
August 2004
1843 Children’s Employment Commission Reports
1843 Second Report to the Commissioners on Trades and Manufactures vol .9-11 of
the British Parliamentary papers, reprinted by the Irish University Press in
1968 :
Turner, Chafford Mill, near Tunbridge Wells (4 interviews)
85 William Nash, aged 12 years. Can
read and write a little. Been here four months Employed glazing paper, stand to
my work. Come to work at five o’clock
in the morning, sometimes at six, leave off at six and five, sometimes seven
o’clock in the evening. Allowed half an
hour for breakfast, and half an hour for dinner. Eat meals here, cooked at home
and warmed over the boiler. Paid by the time, one penny an hour; earn a week
sometimes 4s, sometimes 5s. Sometimes tired with work; now and then we change
work, when I take out the sheets from between the rollers. Have pretty good
health; when we first comes it makes us rather bad from being so hot; well
used. Like my situation very well. Hired and paid by the foreman. Can’t write
well enough to sign my name.
86 George Mullard, aged 13 Can read and write a little I don’t attend school now, did a little
while before I came to work here. Been here two years about next Easter. Meals,
work, pay, hiring &c same as last boy. Sometimes rather makes my arms ache
taking out the sheets. Haven’t been well lately, but do not think it is the
work. Well treated; when hurt by machinery Mr Turner finds medicine, and not
when ill by ourselves. About three years ago I was hurt, by my thigh being
caught in a wheel.
The Quarterly 42 May 2002 Transcribed by Tanya Schmoller]
1843 Extract about
children at the Mill (Chafford) from Twentieth Century English Vat Paper Mills by Geoffrey Wakeman The Plough Press, Loughborough., 1980. Small
4to, [viii],123pp., one of 102 numbered copies, presentation inscription from
the author, with the neat bookplate of the dedicatee, 31 offset litho
illustrs., (reproductions of photographs, drawings, documents and water-marks)
tipped-in on stubs, more samples of paper inserted in a pocket at the rear,
orig. quarter blue morocco, spine lettered in gilt (slightly faded), Cockerell
marbled paper sides, uncut. This book gives short accounts of fourteen English
mills which were still making paper by hand in 1900.
“Nine years
later (1843) Sophy Parker, aged 16, worked there as a rage cutter from 8 am –
6pm for 9d a day or about 4/6d a week with 3d for beer. William Nash 12 years
old and George Mullard 13 worked twelve hours a day as glazers for 1d an hour.
The girls were illiterate, the boys little better. Most of them said they like working there. (Children’s Employment
Commission Reports 1843) Work on the
glazing rolls was relatively hazardous. George Mullard was caught in a wheel
when he was 10 damaging his thigh. Aboy named Haffenden had a finger amputated
while cleaning some machinery worked by steam in 1857. His brother had had a
serious accident three years earlier (Haffenden. Sussex Advertiser Aug
11 1859) Henry Ovenden a workman, was caught in the idlers in 1860
(Ibid March 6 1860).
1844 Fordcombe –
Chafford Colbran 1844
‘Chafford derives its
name from a ford of early date across the Medway, which is here a considerable
stream the principal object at this place is the paper manufactory of Mr
R.Turner, which is well worth inspecting’
[Spicer A.D. 1907 The Paper Trade, A descriptive and historical survey of
the paper trade from the commencement of the nineteenth century:
Methuen &
Co.London p.185 Ref to Chafford p.185]
1845 Replies
of Collectors of taxes cutting paper into half sheets Sussex Collections
Turner of Chafford Mill Papermaker Tunbridge Wells Mill No 389
cuts a few reams of paper into half sheets but in this operation there is no
waste and it is of no advantage
the papermaker or inconvenience to the officers
[TNA Cust 119/182]
1847 Bagshaw Kent Directory
Turner Paper Maker Pounds Bridge Penshurst Parish
1847 British
Watermarks: An Introduction to Watermarks in Early Postage and Fiscal Stamps
by Peter Bower [BAPH Quarterly 23 July 1997]
1847* R Turner & Co of Chafford Mills, Fordcombe, Kent supplied paper for stamps, which were
printed by Thomas De La Rue & Co.
VR and Garter watermarked papers were hand made until June 1864, with the first
supply of machine made Garter paper being
by Turner & Co in December 1864. In
1879 Turner & Co transferred their postage stamp paper production to
Mills, near Tonbridge, Kent.
[The De La Rue History of
British and Foreign Postage Stamps, London 1958, pages 44-50 Details of the contracts between De La Rue
and Turner & Co can be found pp 98-101]
[There appeared no
mention of Turner until 1853 in the Ormond Hill letter books at TNA]
[*The earliest mention to
Turner supplying paper in the Inland Revenue Records of Ormond Hill at the
National Archive is in 1852.]
Field Marshall Henry
Hardinge 1st Viscount Lahore 3rd son Rev Henry born
30/5/1775 in Wrotham Ensign 1799 Queens Rangers
1848 The
Illustrated London News 1st April 1848 p 220
Friday week, Lord Hardinge* laid the foundation-stone of a chapel-at-ease at
Fordcombe in the Parish of Penshurst.
site chosen is a piece of land generously give for the purpose by Richard
Turner of Chafford Papermills
Marshall Henry Hardinge 1st Viscount Lahore 3rd son Rev
Henry born 30/5/1775 in Wrotham Ensign 1799 Queens Rangers]
1848 Richard
Turner first mentioned in the accounts of the ‘Original Society of Papermakers’ [JVS]
1850 A
42” paper machines was added at Chafford and was
exhibited at the Great Exhibition
Wiggins] 1862 - George Bertram (co-founder of
Sciennes Works) installed a machine at the Great Exhibition in London.
But this went to Ivybridge Mill Devon (Mill 191)]
1850 Extract
From a letter dated 25 May 1850 from Thomas Augustine Malone to H F Talbot Esq
happens singularly that we have good news of the paper manufacture Mr Turner
and his brother of Chafford mills (good makers) have been conversing with
Henneman (Nicolaas Henneman 1813-1898, Dutch, active in England; WHFT’s valet,
then assistant; photographer) & myself & some Amateurs his friends on
the requisites for a good sheet of Photographic paper. They have already made improvements &
promise they will not rest until much more has been accomplished* .
[Fox Talbot Museum/Lacock Abbey
Collections Lacock: LA50-023 Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot, Fox
Talbot Museum LA50-023 Doc Number 06326]
[*CALOTYPE Sometimes called the Talbotype after
inventor William Henry Fox Talbot, this light-sensitive process began under candlelight,
high-quality writing paper, selected for its smooth and uniform texture, was washed with a solution of
silver nitrate, dried, soaked in a solution of potassium iodide for two or
three minutes, rinsed, and then dried again.
When ready to take a picture, the photographer would coat the iodized
paper with a solution of silver nitrate and gallic acid, wait thirty seconds,
dip the paper in water, partially dry it with blotting paper, and then, in
near-total darkness, load it into a camera.
Following an exposure of about a minute in full sunlight, the paper
would develop a latent image, which, after the application of a fresh solution
of gallo-nitrate of silver in a wholly darkened room, would develop into a
visible image within a few seconds.
When the development had proceeded far enough, the paper was washed over
with a fixing liquid, sometimes a solution of potassium bromide and sometimes a
solution of hypo (similar to modern fixers).
Washing and drying completed the process. The resulting paper negative was usually waxed to increase its
transparency and then contact printed onto paper that had been treated with a
solution of sodium chloride and then brushed with silver nitrate. Invented in 1840, the calotype was preceded
the year before by Talbot’s photogenic drawing, which did not use gallic acid
and therefore required a longer exposure time. [Catalogue ‘Ocean Flowers Impressions from Natural in the Victorian Era’
Yale Centre for British Art.]
30 March
Census: Richard Turner (54) born Maidstone Farmer & Paper Maker
Master under Papermill Penshurst
1851 In the Parliamentary Return Chafford
is entered along with Sharp’s (Barcombe, Sussex) as being the two paper mills
within the Sussex Excise Collection area. It had seven beating engines, four at
work, three silent (H.C.1852 LI)
Simmons collection on Wind and Water Mills held at Imperial College Library].
1852 ‘1852 G.W. Turner, of London, improved the paper machine by the
application of the endless wire-web in combination with and passing around the
cylinder, and taking the pulp up from the vat, carrying it forward and
submitting it to the action of dandy roller and pneumatic trough, taking the
place of the fixed wire-web and endless felt, in the cylinder machine, and the
wire-web upon which the pulp flows in the Fourdrinier machine. Also for a
mode of passing the paper through a trough of size, between two endless felts,
obtaining a uniform and thorough saturation.'
Munsell, J., 'Chronology of the Origin and Progress of Paper and
Paper-making' (New York; London: Garland Publishing House Inc., 1980),
p.93.Munsell was originally published circa 1860s.(MG)
appears no mention of this in the index held at The National Archive to
1852 Photocopy
from the original in the possession of Grosvenor Chater Ltd
Mills in England, Scotland & Ireland lists Mill No 389 Richard Turner
Chafford Tonbridge but no mention of George William in London [NPM SM20/28 Box
Island of Philae, calotype by Robert Murray taken c 1852-54.
The watermark down the right hand edge was the final
1854 ER of
Quarterly No 22 April 1997 Calotype
papers and Richard Turner of Chafford Mills by Colin Osman]
also in Egypt Caught in Time by Colin
Osman published 1977]
1853 August
26th Extract from a letter referring to the new stamps
reference to the adhesive stamps for Receipts, Drafts on Demand and Life
Policies, I beg to report that Mr Richard Turner of Chafford Mills near
Tonbridge Wells is preparing a supply of Anchor water-mark paper applicable to
the production of each of these kind of stamps’.
p34 Board of Inland Revenue Secretary (Stamps) Postage Stamps
Journal or Drafting Book of Mr
Ormond Hill of the Stamping Branch]
1854 Letter
written on paper watermarked R TURNER CHAFFORD MILL 1854
Written by Joseph Haydn to his
daughter Kate Maria (aged 13) (known as‘Tess’)
(25th was the only
Monday in Sept at the time) Admiralty,
Monday, Sept
My darling Tess
I have not been able to go to the
Treasury, where Mr Powell, the Solicitor to the Mint, has now his Chambers.
This want of time may empress you, as the Treasury is, we may say, next door to
the Admiralty, but please God! I will see about Grays Inn Gardens in a day or
two. You know you can bring as many
young ladies as you like, and as often, to the private gardens in the Temple
and the distance is not so very great.
You will be rejoiced to hear that
Henry has already been promoted at the Admiralty to something better than he
had here at first, and in Mr Barrow’s own department, and sooner. We had a
visit from a niece of mine, a young lady whom I did not see since she was a
child. She and another young lady came in to us, most unexpectedly, on
Saturday. The former, of course, slept
in that night with Mama, and on Sunday, yesterday, went by railway train to
Windsor. She is also going to Winchester, but will return to London on
Wednesday, and it is likely you will be in time to see her, when you pay us a
visit on Friday afternoon, as she may stay with us a day or two. If so, you
must bring her with you, when you come to see me at the Admiralty, as you have
proposed, on Saturday, and she will have an opportunity of witnessing the
working of the Electric Telegraph. But you will know all from Mama, I suppose
tomorrow evening, as she intends to call upon you. Sarah dined with us yesterday ………………….
called upon on Saturday, has been
much persuading Mama to get Jack into King’ College, and has promised her all
his interest to effect that object. If we succeed he will have, of course, the
first rate classical education, free of charge.
I saw your last note to Mama, and am
glad that you write in such good spirits, and are so happy. May God bless you, my darling child.
Your affectionate father
Tess Joseph Haydn
[In June 1854 Sir John Barrow got him (JH) work as an extra clerk
at the Admiralty at 3 guineas a week; his job was to ‘prepare a digest and
index of several volumes of dispatches from the Principal Secretaries of State
during the last century’ (letter to the Royal Literary Fund 1855) work, which
he enjoyed and did well. But his luck did not hold, for, on Easter Tuesday
1855, he suffered a stroke; a public subscription was organized by Moxon and
the impresario Alfred Bunn, a friend of Haydn’s Dublin days. Extract from
Oxford Dictionary of Biography]
1854 October 20th
Letter to the Board
Hon Sirs
I beg to recommend that Mr Turner have an order to make 30 reams of VR
paper for Adhesive Foreign Bill Stamps
and that he be referred to this department for particulars
[IR42/13 p70 Board of Inland
Revenue Secretary (Stamps) Postage Stamps
Journal or Drafting Book of Mr
Ormond Hill of the Stamping Branch]
1854 October 27th
Letter to the Board
Hon Sirs
I beg to recommend that Mr Turner have an order to make 100 reams of
Anchor paper for Draft Receipt Stamps
and that he
be referred to this department for particulars
[IR42/13 p71 Board of Inland
Revenue Secretary (Stamps) Postage Stamps
Journal or Drafting Book of Mr
Ormond Hill of the Stamping Branch]
lst November
Chafford is mentioned in a report of
the Original Society as a ‘First Class Mill, employing the following number of
members: 17 men, 2 boys. [JVS]
1854 November 2nd
Letter to Richard Turner Esq.
Sir Herewith are enclosed to
you 6 sheets of paper and a guide for the quality of the ‘VR’ and anchor water
mark paper which
you are about to make. A very
little more toughness is required with this exception the texture and fineness
of these sheets is precisely
what is wanted. Both these papers to be prepared chemically as the last
made VR paper was; by the addition of the pulp of the
same proportion of prussiate of potash. Entire freedom from hard spots
and grit of all kind is absolutely essential.
I am Sir Your obedt Servt
p72 Board of Inland Revenue Secretary (Stamps) Postage Stamps
Journal or Drafting Book of Mr
Ormond Hill of the Stamping Branch]
1854 November
13 letter to The Board
Hon Sirs
I beg to recommend that an order be given to Mr Turner to make five reams of paper for Admiralty Court
and that he be referred to this
department for particulars.
Journal or Drafting Book of Mr Ormond
Hill of the Stamping Branch]
Friday 8 December Extract Mentioned in a letter
from Henry Fox Talbot to Nevil Story-Maskelyne
‘I tried these expts with
Whatman’s paper & Turner’s paper,
which I thought were the best’
[Fox Talbot Museum/Lacock Abbey
Collection Lacock : Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot ref 07088]
1854 22
December Extract from a letter from Henry Fox Talbot Lacock Abbey
Chippenham to William Crookes
will at present mention one, which if successful would be of considerable
interest. Since collodion is made of different kinds of paper,
others of Turner’s photographic paper which is nothing but common writing paper
I believe’
Fotohistorama Cologne collection FH4424 Document number 07098]
Extracts referring
to Turner and Chafford from The De La Rue History of British & Foreign
Postage Stamps 1855-1901 by John Easton
Library ref: 8247/11] Chapter on Inland Revenue p 4 – 5.
The Minutes of the Board of Inland
Revenue show that twenty-five reams of paper for the Fourpence were ordered
from Turner & Company, Chafford
Mills, Fordcombe, on June 14, 1855, and that instructions to prepare for the
perforation were issued on July 2nd. On July 24th it was noted that the Post Office would
require four thousand ‘Specimens’, and it was determined that the stamps should
be issued on July 31st.
On November 3, 1855 the Board
instructed Turner to make a further thirty reams of paper for the Fourpence….
The Reams contained 500 sheets
each, and each sheet contained 240 stamps.
…between 30 September 1855 to
October 1861 it appears a total of 133,129 sheets were supplied producing
31,950,960 stamps.
1856 A
letter from Portals to Turner sent in February 1856 thanks him for providing
samples of paper sized at Chafford Mills but notes that they contain fine
wrinkles1. It also states that they have abandoned the Donkin sizing
machine. Another letter four months later explains that Portals were not
prepared to pay Turner a licence fee because of the ‘entire failure of the
sizing machine for sizing single sheets of paper’2 Then, in December
1856, Portals wrote to Donkins stating that ‘neither the drying cylinders nor
the sizing machines are yet at work. ‘they have not as yet performed one hour’s
work with any but the most unsatisfactory results and I apprehend that the
entire machine must be abandoned’3. Again in July 1860 Portals wrote
to Donkin as follows: ‘That the apparatus will ultimately succeed I can
scarcely entertain a doubt, but the result will have been obtained after very
many experiments which have cost much time, much thought and a considerable
outlay extending over eight years’4. Clearly the whole project had
been a disaster. [extract from an article by Alan Crocker BAPH Quarterly]
1.HRO:132M98/D2/3 Letter from Portland to Turner of 18 February 1856
2. HRO: 132M98/D2/3 Letter from
Portlas to Turner of 11 June 1856. 3.HRO:132M98/D2/3 Letter from Portals to
Donkin of 29 December 1856. 4. HRO:132M98/D2/3 Letter from Portals to Donkin of
21 Jul 1860.
1856 15 October Letter from Richd Turner to John Barcham Green Hayle
Chafford Mill
Dear Sir
Will you be kind enough to inform me
what number of reams you have made for a day’s work of Bank Fscap 8 per ream,
made of all canvas, the size of the moulds as under, & you will
Yours very truly
Richd Turner
Length (but eve the dabbles) 17¼ by
14¼ two sheets on each mould
[HMA 7/2/10/46]
1856 Extracts
referring to Turner and Chafford from The De La Rue History of British &
Foreign Postage Stamps 1855-1901 by John Easton [British Library ref:
The first entry in the
Correspondence Book (Unnumbered) which concerns Postage Stamps is dated December 14, 1856,
and confirms that the paper for the
Indian stamps was supplied by R. Turner of the Chafford Mills, Tunbridge Wells
1857 Kent
Poll Book
Penshurst Turner Richard Chafford Mill
1857 Sussex Advertiser August 11 1857
On Saturday last, as a lad named Haffenden was engaged
cleaning some machinery, while it was being worked by steam, at the Chafford
Paper Mills, his hand was drawn into the machinery and severely lacerated, one
finger being cut clean off. On being
removed to the Tunbridge Wells Infirmary, it was found necessary to amputate
one of the injured fingers. He is doing
well. About three years ago his brother
met with a serious accident at the same place.
Simmons collection on Wind and Water Mills held at Imperial College Library].
1859 Extracts referring to Turner and Chafford
from The De La Rue History of British & Foreign Postage Stamps 1855-1901
by John
Easton [British Library ref: 8247/11]
Letter from Waren De La Rue
to Ormond Hill dated February 7, 1859
The third paragraph refers to the surfacing of the paper,
carried out by De La Rue, as an
additional precaution against fraud.
‘ I have delayed some days
answering your letter of the 20th ulto, in order that I might have
an opportunity of discussing the subject therein referred to with a friend, and
also of reflecting on the cause of the defects in the Anchor paper, with a view
to their prevention.
I am,
after due reflection, enable to state that the defects you complain of are
preventable, and that you would be fully justified in rejecting all paper
having the objectionable blue stains, or that having blue spots. Mr Turner is so far right when he said that
the prussiate of potash is the cause of the blueness in the paper, and also for
the blue spots, but I cannot for a moment admit that either the blueness, or
the blue spots, are a necessary consequence of the employment of that
salt. As far as the blue spots are
concerned we may readily dismiss them, for they are unquestionably due to the
presence of small particles of iron in the paper, which ought not to exist
therein, for more than one reason.
The V.R. paper is always white,
but in this Mr Turner puts no prussiate of potash, although he was originally
instructed to do so; but, as he made a great trouble of having to do this, we
put prussiate of potash into the white colour we use in preparing the paper,
and thus obtain the requisite security against the reissue of the stamp.
Although we employ
prussiate of potash, you have never reason to complain of the blueness of the
V.R.sheets when printed, and you have here distinct evidence that the
employment of prussiate of potash does not necessarily produce the defects
complained of, and which, in the case of the Anchor paper result entirely (so
far as regards the general blue shade) from the decomposition of the prussiate
of potash itself. Now prussiate of potash is a very stable salt – I may
pronounce it to be one of the most stable – and I feel justified in stating
that its decomposition in some of the paper manufactured by Mr. Turner is the
result of want of the necessary precautions. Prussiate of potash, by oxidizing
re-agents, is convertible into red prussiate of potash (ferric cyanide of
potassium) by a removal of a portion of the potassium potash, but it is
necessary that free acid, or an acid salt, should be present, or that it should
be in contact with decomposing organic matter (stale size).
I am, however inclined to
attribute the decomposition of the prussiate of potash, and the production of
Prussian blue and red prussiate, to the existence of free chlorine, or chloride
of lime, in small quantities, in the pulp from which the paper is made, and
which could be got rid of by using the antichlore (sulphide of soda).
If Mr Turner will, in the first
place, employ pulp free from iron particles ,be careful, after thorough washing
of the pulp, to add some antichlore in the engine, and lastly, not to employ
size in the slightest degree putrescent,
I am convinced that he will obviate the defects complained of. I assume
that he takes the precaution to employ alum free from iron, and that he does
not dissolve hi salum in iron vessels, and hence I do not suggest the
probability of the defects arising from such an obvious cause.
Both the V.R.and the Anchor paper
are good, as regards texture and surface.
1859 9 February Letter
to Ormond Hill Esq. Chafford
“Dear Sir,
I am making the V.R. paper, which
has the prussiate of potash in it, and which is free from spots, and has only
slight shade (blue) in it, less than the piece you sent me as a sample.
As I am on this sort of paper, at
the vat, I propose making a little more of the Garter; as I have about 12 reams left : I will make the quantity of up to 40 reams,
and hold it in stock till you require it.
Yours obediently,
Rd Turner”
[A History of The Adhesive Stamps of The
British Isles available for postal and telegraph purposes
Hastings E.Wright and A.B.Creeke Junr. 1899 p 97] [BL ref 8247.q.44
1860 Sussex Advertiser March 6, 1860
Tuesday last an accident occurred to a workman named Henry Ovenden, employed in
Mr Turner’s paper mills at Chafford. From what we can learn he was engaged in
taking some sheets of paper as they came off the rolls of a machine which was
in motion. Whilst doing this, by some means his right hand was drawn between
the rollers, as was also a part of his arm.
Although both his hand and arm were much hurt we are glad to say no
bones were broken. [Information Simmons collection on Wind and Water Mills held
at Imperial College Library].
1860 23 March
Extract from a contract between Warren de La Rue, Jonah Nathan & William de
La Rue and the Commissioners.
‘It is agreed as follows: The Firm shall
provide the paper to be used in the manufacture of the said stamps which is to
be precisely similar in all respects to that now supplied by Mr. Turner’ [TNA IR79/5]
1860 ‘Two watermark
moulds bearing a Pineapple watermark were made in July 1860 for the wove paper
of the stamps and were subsequently handed over by Somerset House to the Crown
Agents for the Colonies on 22 December 1866.
The paper was hand-made by Turner & Co at Chafford Mill, Fordcombe,
Tunbridge Wells in Kent, being handmade the paper varies considerably in
[BAPH Quarterly No 23 p21/24 Watermarks in Early Postage Stamps
1840-1900 Peter Bower]
1861 7
April Census: Richard Turner
(64) born Maidstone Paper Maker employing 34 men 11 boys 30 women and 8 girls
Eliza (56) Richard (27) paper makers son, Sarah A (24) paper makers daughter,
Charles (17) paper makers son, Arabella Warden daughter M (30), Edith Warden
(8) g.dau, Agnes Warden (7) g.dau, Arthur Warden 8 mths g.son all born
Tunbridge Wells,
visitors and 2 housemaids and 2 nurses living at Chafford House. [RG9/490/22/8]
1861 Penshurst
Rates: Richard Turner Rate
£320.5.0d assessment £4.0.0¾d
for 19 Cottages owned by Richard Turner Chafford occupied by Ovenden &
others [CKS]
1861 Return
of claimants for drawback of duty on paper by General Order [TNA Cust119/200]
were no claimants in the Tunbridge Wells District in the return dated 14
a Mr Turner is listed claiming on 5 tons in the return dated 30 August in the
Maidstone District.
1862 Post
Office Directory of Kent
Turner Esq Chafford, Fordcombe Green is listed in both the Court Section and
under Paper Makers
1863 Penshurst Rates
Turner owner and occupier of Paper Mills House and Lane Chafford plus the
house in Fordcombe [CKS]
1863 April
6 Letter from Richard Turner to J B
Sir Chafford
you are at home on Thursday we will do ourselves the pleasure of paying you a
[HMA 7/2/111]

1863 Aug
19 Letter from Richard Turner Chafford
Mills to J B Green Hayle Mill
Dear Sir
We shall be happy to see you on
Tuesday next. I am not quite sure as I
have no correct …….
I think the Patent has only 2 years more from Nov next and should certainly not
think of asking you the full premium.
Yours truly Rd
1863 Aug 12 Chafford
Dear Sir
you will say what day next month it will suit you to pay us a visit & let
me know I will arrange to be at home. Don’t fix on Monday
1863 28 August Chafford Mills
My Dear Sir,
will arrange with Mr Hollingworth (I can do so). Send me pack of green Bank
Pose & I will dry it thro my Drying Machine & size it at once
Yrs truly
R Turner
[HMA 7/2/119 Watermark R Turner Kent
Watermark – cheque book/securities paper]

1863 September 16 Letter from R Turner to
John Barcham Green
Dear Sir
you are going to apply the Glavanized Sheeting for Roofing I would
advise you look over at our garage the
….doors will for ceiling &c
1863 Nov
15 Letter from Richard Turner Chafford Mills Tunbridge Wells to J. B. Green
Hayle Mill
Dear Sir
shall have occasion to be in Maidstone on Tuesday & I will call on you and
wish to take particulars of your Rag Duster – I hope you will be at home
truly Richd Turner [Ref:
HMA Nov 1863 7/2/122]
1863 Aug 19
Letter from Richard Turner Chafford Mills to J B Green Hayle Mill
Dear Sir
do not remember how much longer the Patent for our sizing Machine has to run –
the Patent was left in the hands of Mr Palmer of Bedford Row. I do not remember the number. I will ascertain these from Tranters
shall be most happy to see again & go over the Mills. If Thursday next will
suit you. I will have all ready for you
truly Rd Turner
1864 Paper for De La Rue* letterpress stamps were made by R Turner
& Co, Chafford Mills, Fordcombe, Nr Tunbridge Wells. This was transferred to Roughway in 1878.
[see entry under 1878] Up to c.1864 all
paper was hand-made; thereafter was gradually replaced by machine-made.
[*The position of De La Rue's
was as a contractor to the Inland Revenue for British revenue and postage
stamps and to the Crown Agents for
orders from Colonial governments. This
meant that orders for paper for British stamps were placed by the Inland
Revenue which received the supply and issued it to De La Rue as required, the
firm, however, laid down the specification and, via the Inland Revenue, dealt
with the papermaker on technical matters.
[BAPH Quarterly No 30 June
1999 British Watermarks: De La Rue’s
Paper and Watermarks by Harry Dagnall]
1864 Jany
19th Letter from Rd Turner to John Barcham Green
at Hayle Mill
have sent your letter to Mr Hollingworth. If you recollect when you first
applied some molds you I thought the Patent had 2 years to run but I was not
sure & that you could ascertain the fact by applying to Mesrs Palmer the
patent was left in his hands & you said that you would find out from him or
the Patent Office. When I saw Mr Hollingworth I [….] [..] your application & he said “is it be the same as others
paid”, viz 200£ I replied as this Patent had so short a time to run, 100£ was I
thought fair, & he agreed.
I understood from him & yourself that you had agreed for this sum.
you settle let me know my moity – one half
[Ref: HMA Jan 1864 7/2/125]
1864 January
21 Letter from Rd Turner to John
Barcham Green at Hayle Mill
have received the enclosed from W Hollingworth. I am content to receive 40£ for
my moity and I suppose W. Hollingworth will do the same, but you must arrange
with him. If the patent be renewed we shall expect a further sum & in which
case I am sure it will be to your benefit.
truly, Rd Turner
[Ref: HMA 712/124 Jan]
1864 22nd
January Letter from Turkey Mills
Maidstone to J. B.Green Hayle Mill
from our sizer that yours is coming to Turkey Mill to day we beg to say we
object to his coming into our Mill
consequence of an unpleasant letter received through Mr Turner from you
obt servs Hollingworth Ltd
[Ref: HMA Jan 1864 7/2/125]
1864 May
10 Extract from a letter written
whilst in Lewes from William Thomas of
Soho to John Barcham Green of Hayle Mill
saw S Savage last night & find Turner is in for about 22,000£ at a meeting
of Creditors he offered 6/8 in 3 instalments 2-2-2/8 but he could not give or
get any security – they would not accept it – he owes the Lewes Bank 7000£
& has behaved very bad to Savage he owed him a Bill 40£ which came in just
as he stoped & only 4 days before induced him to send in 140£ worth of
rages – which is a heavy pull on a young beginner but he says he shall get over
it. I dare say I shall see him again & hear more about it.
yours truly
[There is no evidence that this
was Turner of Chafford and there was no reference to a bankruptcy in the London Gazette – however it appears the
Mill was offered for sale – see below –and Henry Warden appears to have taken
over shortly afterwards]
1864 Extract from Sales Details LOT 9
A very important freehold estate
comprising the Chafford Paper Mills
Established for a period of nearly
100 years, with good supply of Water
A neat residence, with offices and
The Chafford Paper Mills are fitted with every convenience
for the carrying on of a profitable trade, supplied with water from the River
Medway and comprise Bleaching and Rag Boiling house and Rag Engine House with
lean-to, Laboratory, Vat House, Old and New Machine Rooms, Glazing, Sizeing and
Finishing Shop House, Salle with air drying Lofts and Sizeing Shop lean-to
each. Passage, Finishing and rage warehouse over. Size Boiling House, Steam Engine and Boiling House, Stoke Hole
and Waggon and detached buildings viz – Millwright’s Shop, Gas Retort House,
Smithy, Gas Holder and Cutting room with Rag Warehouse over.
[ JVS]
[This sale obviously did not take place and it is at this
date that Henry Warden probably purchased the business].
1864 Paper
Trade in Great Britain & Ireland 1921-22
Richard Turner Chafford Tunbridge Wells – Writing Papers,
Hand and Machine Made,
Tissue &c. [ St.Brides Printing
1864/5 Penshurst
Rich Esq Rate £400 assessment £2.10.0d [CKS]
1864 26
from Rd Turner to John Barcham Green
have been so much away from home lately on business and I am sorry to say that
your letter has been mislaid
have just concluded a partnership with my brother in law and the business will
be carried on in the name of “Turner & Co”.
for your offer of the […]but at present
we could not make use of it, it is strong but I am afraid would be
clean enough for what I shall be making for some time. My father & mother
send kind regards
[HMA Ref 7/2/145 August
1864 Penshurst Rates: Turner Richard David Rains Esq Occupier and
Hy Warden Esq Owner of
& Paper Mill Chafford [CKS]
1865 Register of Incoming Papers. 1865-70
November Mr O Hill – 15 reams ‘balance’ paper of 3 reams of Flag & Anchor
Paper – application for an order to
of Chafford Mill to make – received 29 Nov returned 30 Nov. [TNA IR79/50]
1866 19
Jan O Hill Turner Application for
order to supply 70 reams ‘Garter’ Paper
70 VR and 70 PM received 26 Jan returned 27 Jan [TNA IR79/50]
1866 24
Feb O Hill Application for orders
to Turner to make 20 reams of Anchor paper for 3d and 6d Inland Revenue Stamps
3 March returned 5 March [TNA
1866 March Board
The officer at Chafford Mill directed to receive a new dandy roller
(made by De La Rue & Co)
to use it for making paper received 15 March returned 16 March
[TNA IR79/50]
May 12
written by Rd Turner to John Barcham Green at Hayle Mill
Chafford Mill Tunbridge Wells
My dear Sir
Would you have the kindness to let me know the number
of Reams to days work that your men would make of the Hale Loan of the reduced
size whether any difference on account of attention – to moulds.
I promised Mr De La Rue that I would hold no
conversation with you with respect to price but I presume there can be no
objection to my knowing the days work, as otherwise it will be difficult to
make any calculation, half a ream per day will make a considerable
difference. I hope you are busy.
Your truly
Rd Turner
[Geo.Wilmot Shoreham Mill Sevenoaks under bid Turner
for this Job. 3 Mills were vying for it – Hayle Mill, Chafford and Shoreham –
info Maureen Barcham Green]
1866 12
May O Hill VR moulds made by Turner without authority
received 23 May returned 11 June [TNA IR79/50]
1866 May
to J B Green Esq
dear Sir
have been applied to for a large order for Bank note paper – which as nearly as
I can judge would keep two vats employed for 12 months –
you make any part of this ? If so I shall be happy to meet you in London on
Monday next at 3 p.m. or on Tuesday before 12 o’clock.
order would not be given before 3 months from this.
you are all well & with kind regards our people
R D R Turner
[HMA 1868 7/2/195]
1866 May
Mills, Tunbridge Wells to J B Green Esq
dear Sir
shall be happy to meet you at the Bridge House Hotel on Wednesday next at 3
R D R Turner
[HMA May 1866 7/2/154]
1866 31
May O Hill Turner
Increase of charge for the manufacture of various watermark papers received 5 June returned 7 June [TNA IR79/50]
1866 22 Aug Hore
Respecting the removal
of ‘Pine Apple Moulds’ from Chafford Mills to the
Office of the
Crown Agents for the Colonies received 1 Jan 1867 returned 2 Jan
[TNA IR79/50]
1866 Post
Office Directory of Kent
Green about 2 ½ miles south is a hamlet of the Parish (Penshurst)
is an extensive paper mill worked by R.D.R.Turner and Co which gives employment
to a great number of hands.
Turner is not listed under Private Residents
1866 28
September from De La Rue 110 Bunhill Row EC
to J B Green
My dear sir
are now working three machines instead of two – therefore pray do not fail
to let us have 80 reams a day until
have finished your quantity and let me know by telegraph tomorrow how
much more we shall receive from you.
will understand my being so urgent, not to have you miss a day of 80
reams – I cannot use your and Turners
at the same time I must therefore clear you off before I begin his. I leave
town tomorrow for my [..] quarters
want your telegram to arrange matters before I leave London
very truly
whole of Turners paper has to be returned to them to resort into the numbers
of the sheets.
1866 3
from R Turner from Chafford Mills, Tunbridge Wells to J B Green Hayle Mill
dear Sir
excuse my not having answered your letter before. I was in London all of Monday
and yesterday
so very busy that I was obliged to neglect my correspondence. The telegram was
intended for us as you
no doubt heard from De La Rue.
you are all well.
remain, Yours truly
1866/7 Penshurst
Rates Turner R.D.R. Esq Rate £411.15.0d
assessment £2.11.5½d [CKS]
1867 15
Jan F Hill Ordered
80 reams of Flower, 10 reams of Cross and 70 VR watermarked papers
Mr R D Turner received 23 Jan returned 24 Jan
[TNA IR79/50]
1867 Warren De La Rue and Ormond Hill (Deputy Superintendent and later
Superintendent of the Stamping Department at Somerset House) had a poor opinion
of Turner, the chief complaints being the colour of the paper, cockling, spots
due to the presence of iron particles, the excessive depth of impression of the
watermark which affected the printing quality of the paper, and the varying
thickness of the sheets.
Hill referred to this last matter in a
letter to Warren De La Rue dated 17 May 1867.
"That Turner is a very troublesome fellow as I told you the other
day. He never keeps anything right, as soon as one fault is cured he runs into
another. I think you will be able to
have the paper sorted and we must make Turner pay for the loss both in the
trouble of sorting &c and the cost of the paper".
The spots on the flower paper [i.e. that with a flower or spray
watermark] are soft and I think not nearly of so much importance as those on
the garter paper which are hard.
He wrote again on 20 March 1868:
"We have received from Mr Turner a consignment of garter
watermarked paper, some of the reams of which are made up of thick sheets and
weight 11lbs. 4ozs., and other are made
up of thin sheets and weight only 9lbs. 4ozs."
Quarterly No 30 p1-7 British
Watermarks: De L Rue’s Paper & Watermarks – Harry Dagnall].
1867 11 April
Anchor Paper small 3 specimen sheets to O.H. D.L.R. and Turner [TNA IR79/50]
1867 15 July Order
to Turner to make 100 reams of ‘Flower’ Paper [TNA IR79/50]
1867 28 October Bedford Dandy Roller – Please to allow officer at Chafford Mills to have
it sent to
Smith for repair received 30 Oct
returned 7 Nov [TNA IR79/50]
1867 Extracts
referring to Turner and Chafford from The De La Rue History of British &
Foreign Postage Stamps 1855-1901
by John Easton p.678 South Australia Two-pence [British Library ref:
The Agent General suggested in a
letter dated Nov 11 1867 that Cowan & Sons, who made the star watermark for
the recess-printed stamps, might either make the paper to De La Rue’s
specification or that the moulds might be used. This proposal was presumably dealt with in a letter of December
10th which is referred to, but not included in, the correspondence
book. De La Rue were told to go ahead
on December 11th and Turner, of The Chafford Mills, Tunbridge Wells
confirmed on January 17th 1868 that the moulds would be ready very
1868 February 7 London
Gazette p.612
Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofor
subsisting between Richard David Rains Turner and Henry Warden of Chafford
Mills in the parish of Penshurst in The County of Kent Paper Manufacturers under
the style of R.D.Turner & Co has this day been dissolved by mutual
consent. All debts due and owing by the
said late firm will be respectively received and paid by the undersigned, Henry
Warden, and the said business carried on by him and on his responsibility
alone, under the style of Turner & Co – dated 4 February 1868. [GHL]
1868 18 March
written from Geo.Wilmot Shoreham Nr Sevenoaks to John Barcham Green
seems an age since I either saw or heard anything of you. I hope you are quite
convalescent – I have had a nasty touch of influenza lately, which is anything
but agreeable. What are you doing about this Factory Act. – I thought I was not
liable as I do not employ 50 people, but it appears from an Inspector from the
Gov who has called here today that the number of hands makes no difference – I
shall be glad to hear how you manage with your Lay Boys, young women etc. I suppose on Good Friday you will not open
the Mill at all – I have usually shut down at 9 a.m. – which has given the Men
ample time to get tolerably well soaked and have seriously thought of working
all day thinking of the two evils this would be the least – I suppose you are
buying your fines for 27/- to 28/- new & new cuts 38/- to 40/=- Hides all at 45/-, Ox pieces dry – 28/-.
I am
tolerably well off for orders – I have not any stock & I send out as fast
as the Papers come round; do you know what Balston are doing – have they all
their vats at work on short time or how? Is it correct that R.Turner Junr. Chafford is giving up his
Mill? I have heard so between
me Your very truly Geo.Wilmot
7/2/181 A]
Penshurst Rates: Warden Henry
Rate £327 [CKS]
1868 Letter from Rd Turner to John Barcham Green Hayle Mill
Chafford Mills Tunbridge Wells April 14 1868
My dear Sir
Can you kindly inform me where the
best treble lines are to be procured ?
Hoping you are all well
Believe me Yours truly
Rd Turner
[HMA 7/2184]
1868 21 April O Hill Mace
Flower and VR watermark order Turner to make Ireland Petty Sessions paper order
Turner to make
24 May returned 28 [TNA IR79/50]
1869 Letter from Richard Turner to John Barcham
Green Hayle Mill Maidstone
17 Chafford Mills Tunbridge Wells
My dear
I saw
Mr DLR yesterday and have agreed to abide by your decision as to the price of
the Loan Paper – Trusting to hear from you on the subject
remain Yours truly
1869 8 November Watermark papers Garter and Flag
ordered of Turner received and returned
Jan 1870 [TNA IR79/50]
1870 5 January O Hill Garter paper - R.D.Turner called upon to pay £1.10.0 for resorting which had
to be done at this office
16 Jan returned 21 Jan [TNA IR79/50]
1870 Post Office Directory of Kent Penshurst
R.D.R. Turner appears under Private Residents
the Commercial Section Turner & Co, paper makers, Fordcombe
1870 March
Dallimore removal to excise in
order to become ‘Teller’ at Chafford Mills
received 21 March returned 22
March [TNA IR79/50]
1870 7 May
O Hill Cross Paper Order to
Turner to make 20 reams [TNA
1870 29
October O Hill ‘VR’ Paper Turner has had 19/4 for Tellers
overwork who sorted it for him here [TNA IR79/50]
1870 Extracts
referring to Turner and Chafford from The De La Rue History of British &
Foreign Postage Stamps 1855-1901
by John Easton [British Library ref: 8247/11]
Letter from Ormond Hill to De La
Rue 28 April re the construction of the dandy rollers which was a complicated
and gives interesting details of
the share that the firm took in their construction.
“The Board has ordered Mr. Amies
of Maidstone [Surviving records for
this company at CKS]
To prepare a three sheet cross marked roller for making paper for the
5/- Postage Stamps. Also a three sheet
garter roller for
making paper for the 4d., Postage Stamps.
………..Please put your selves fully into communication with Mr Amies,
whom I have directed to communicate with
you on the one hand and Mr Turner on the other, to the end that the
master bits and rollers generally may be such as will
work satisfactorily when finished and produce good paper.
1871 25
February O Hill Flower paper defective – Turner pays £5.3.2
for sorting of 61 reams [TNA IR79/51]
1871 17
March O Hill ‘VR’ paper small – order for two reams to be
issued to Turner [TNA IR79/51]
1871 2
Census: Henry Warden (Richard Turner’s
son-in-law) is listed as a Paper
Manufacturer and Land Owner
31 men 45 women 6 boys and 6 girls living at Oakfield Court, Camden Park Road,
Tunbridge Wells [RG10/928/116]
1871 2
Census: Richard Turner is listed as an
Annuitant and his son Richard D.R Turner is shown as paper maker
at Chafford House [RG10/925]
1871 29
April O Hill Flower Paper – submits that Mr Turner be
called upon to pay £4.1.4
cost of sorting 56 reams of defective – Turner paid [TNA
1871 6
July G Talbot Dandy Roller – request that it may be given
to Mr Turner in order that it may be altered.
[TNA IR79/51]
1871 18
July Watermark paper manufacture of
proposal to transfer the making of from Mr Turner to Messrs Hollingsworth of
Maidstone. [TNA IR79/51]
1871 18
July Anchor watermarked paper
manufacture to be transferred to Messrs Hollingsworth of Maidstone returned 19
September [TNA IR79/51]
1871 De La Rue’s
attack on Turner's paper was reopened in July 1871 when De Le Rue wrote
to the Inland Revenue:
‘Messrs. Turner, the present makers of the Stamp Papers, are not giving
us satisfaction, and we are desirous that Messrs. Hollingworth of Maidstone
should undertake our Contracts. We have
had some conversation with Mr .O. Hill on the subject and believe that he also
is dissatisfied with Messrs. Turner's paper, and agrees with us in thinking
that Messrs. Hollingworth's make is more suitable for adhesive stamps."
Despite Hollingworth's paper
being entirely satisfactory Turner continued to make the bulk of paper for DLR.
Relations between Turner and DLR were at times somewhat strained, nevertheless
Turner's paper was found to be more suitable for DLR's purposes than any other,
a point made by the firm in correspondence with the India office in 1880 when
the latter wanted De La Rue to use another papermaker for their stamps.
"If paper equally as good as that which we obtain from Messrs.
Turner can be procured from any other mill employed by the government, we
should be perfectly willing to procure the Indian Adhesive Stamp paper from the
same source. We know from experience
that many unforeseen difficulties arise in manufacture when any change is made
and therefore we should be exceedingly loath to leave Messrs Turner.
In 1880 the paper contract came
up for renewal and Turner retained the contract and it says much for his
expertise (and patience) that his mill was able to make paper to this standard
and at an acceptable price. There could
not have been many other users of paper that required such accuracy.
Quarterly No 30 p1-7 British
Watermarks: De L Rue’s Paper & Watermarks – Harry Dagnall].
1871 31
July O Hill Flower Paper Turner to make 5 reams [TNA IR79/51]
1871 16
August Hollingsworth to make 200
reams of Anchor Watermark paper as an experiment received 5 October.
gave permission for De La Rue to have an Anchor roller made at their own
expense for Messrs Hollingsworth’s Mill.
[TNA IR79/51]
1871 1
September O Hill ‘VR’ paper Turner
to make 30 reams. [TNA IR79/51]
1871 The De La Rue History of British &
Foreign Stamps 1855-1901 by John Easton [British Library ref:
chapter on Crown Agents – Procedure Paper p294/5
the paper for the Colonial postage stamps had been supplied by the firm. From
time to time they received instructions for the Crown Agents to make fifty reams,
and the order was placed with R Turner at the Chafford Mills. On December 22
1871 Sargeaunt wrote the follow letter
learn from the Inspector of Stamps to this Department that on the 30th
ultimo 10 rms of C.C. postage paper was handed to him, and on his making
enquiry he was informed that such paper was in lieu of a similar quantity which
had been destroyed a short time previously and returned to the manufacturer. It
was subsequently intimated to the Inspector by one of your subordinates that
the paper in question was a surplus remaining over, after delivery of 56 rms on
the 30th October last, by Messrs. Turner, who had expressed an
intention to destroy such surplus but had been requested by you to forward it
to Bunhill Row. Before offering any
remarks on the subject we shall be glad to receive from you a report thereon.’
an investigation the firm [De La Rue] sent the following report on January
reference to your letter of the 22nd ult. Requesting us to acquaint
you with the circumstances under which 10 rms of C.C. Postage paper were
forwarded to your officer by Messrs. Turner in lieu of a similar quantity of
paper which had been destroyed, we beg to say that we have questioned Messrs.
Turner on the subject and are surprised to find that they have been in the
habit of retaining any surplus of the paper which might be made, with a view to
including it in a future delivery, and that the 10 reams in question were drawn
from the surplus made in executing your order of the 25th September
last. We entertain no doubt that when
Messrs. Turner first undertook your work, the necessity of repulping all the
undelivered paper was duly impressed upon them, and we much regret that they
should have departed from those instructions.
We think it, however, just to say that in manufacturing special papers
it is impossible correctly to estimate the allowance for spoilage, so that it
frequently happens that a considerable quantity is made in excess, which
Messrs. Turner explain they could not repulp except at a serious disadvantage,
as it would be comparatively valueless as a material for new paper.
what we have verbally informed you, there is an excise officer in constant
attendance at Chafford Mills to supervise the manufacture of the Inland Revenue
and India Stamp papers, and, feeling the importance of the Colonial Stamps
being checked in each stage of their production, we venture to recommend that
the Board of Inland Revenue should be applied to allow their officer also to
control the Crown Agents’ Stamp Papers.
1872 19
January Richard Turner aged 75 died and was buried at Fordcombe Church
1872 4 May
Richard Turner was shown as a Paper Manufacturer when the administration of his
effects of under £2,000 was granted to his widow Eliza
1872 6
April Mr Turner to pay
3/2d for the sorting of defective – balance paper at this office. [TNA IR79/51]
1872 2
Turner & Co
Wove Role for Double Cap Loan Paper 27x 17
Wove Role for Medicine Loan Paper 22 x 18 in
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1873 6
& Co
Dandy for 2 sheets of Wove Medium Bank name T F Newell to appear once in each
half sht same side letter as J Whatman in Large Post
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1873 8 June Robertson Watermarked papers
for adhesive stamps Mr Turner to supply 25 reams of large ‘Anchor’
[TNA IR79/52 Board of Inland Revenue: Office of
Director of Stamping: Register of
Incoming Papers. 1872-76]
1873 Tunbridge
Weekly Express
Report about a cricket match played on 26th
August between Gentlemen of the Neighbourhood and Eleven Ovendens of Fordcombe
of whom appear to have been employed at Chafford]
the kindness of Messrs. Warden and Turner of Chafford Mills, a general holiday
was granted to their employees part of whom
to Brighton and the rest were provided with an excellent tea upon the grounds
and spent the afternoon very enjoyably in different games’
[Tunbridge Wells Reference Library]
1873 13
of Small Laid Post Moulds 19 to inch with water twice in each sheet twice as
Turner R
Mills Chafford
Mills Penshurst Station
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1873 25
October O Hill Watermarked paper for adhesive stamps Mrs
Faircloth and Mr Turner to supply. [TNA IR79/52]
1873 19
Laid Medicine Roller for two sheets with water mark and monogram
B & Co
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1873 6
& Co
wove dandy for Chancery Stamps to contain 2 sheets of paper 20¾ x 11¼ ins
inside margin lines 19 3/16 x 9 9/16
160 watermarks a Mace in each sheet
between margin lines round the roll 9
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1873 19
of Single Wove Medium Post Moulds watermark Gonthir Dreyfus & Cie
each 8 vo [Vo refers to fold in paper]
or 4 times in each mould 18 x 22 inside
for Decker
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1874 30
Jan O Hill Watermarked
paper for adhesive stamps Mrs Faircloth and Mr Turner to supply. [TNA IR79/52]
1874 19 May
& Co
Wove Roles for Inland Revenue Stamps one watermarked with Balance Seales the
other with ‘Large Shamrock’
roll contains 2 sheets distance between Margin Lines on Roll
19½ x
9 in
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1874 24 June
& Co
Wove Role for two sheets of Inland Revenue Stamps Paper Watermark PM
1½ in
allowed for cutting space
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1874 1 July O Hill Turner
paid 13/11 for sorting defective ‘Flag’ and ‘PN’ Paper [TNA
1874 14 July O
Hill Mr Turner to supply 250
reams of ‘Flower’ paper for 3d & 6d Labels
July O Hill The
Receiver General has rec d from Mr Turner the sum of 15/11 being the cost of
sorting defective watermarked paper. [TNA IR79/52]
1874 18
De La Rue & Co 110 Bunhill Row
Wove Role for Turner’s Machine containing 2 sheets of Paper 2 set each
Salt Boot Note
size of sheet to be 22¼ by 17½ in
¾ in
allowed between sheets for trimming
½ in
allowed at each
1½ in
allowed for cutting space
¾ in
allowed for shrinking each sheet
1 in
allowed for pulling
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1874 23
& Co
pair of Moulds one sheet on each 10 7/8 x 4 5/8
with embossed watermark
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1874 20
October O Hill Watermarked paper for adhesive stamps Mr Turner to supply
rms of ‘VR’ 25 rms of balance and 6 rms of large ‘shamrock’ [TNA IR79/52]
1874 22
& Co
Wove Medium Dandy (2 sheets)
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1874 5
& Co
pair Laid Tools Cap Moulds marked as sheet
Brown & Co Lion
London W B & Co
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1874 10
& Co
pair Laid Fools Cap Moulds watermarked
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1874 Post Office Directory of Kent
Resident Richard Turner. Commercial
Turner & Co, paper makers, Chafford Mills
1875 29
January O Hill Watermarked paper
for adhesive stamps Mr Turner to supply 50 rms of ‘Flower’ and 40 rms of
‘Cross’ paper [TNA IR79/52]
1875 12
February O H Watermarked paper for Life Policy Stamps Mr Turner to supply 25 reams of ‘Large
Anchor’ [TNA IR79/51]
1875 14 May O Hill Watermarked paper for adhesive stamps Mr Turner to supply 80 reams of ‘Garter’ and
70 reams of ‘VR’ paper. [TNA IR79/52]
1875 15 May
Turner & Co
One Imperial Laid Medium Role for 4 to Bank Medium Marks
in each and two names below
Medium Mark Warranted Pure Linen
Chafford Mills
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
22 June
Turner & Co
One Roller for Inland Revenue Paper International Postage
for 4 sheets 19 x 11 in edge to edge 192 marks (ORB) in each sheet
Chafford Mills
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1875 25 June ‘Orb’ watermarked paper 100 reams ordered of Mr Turner . [TNA IR79/52]
1875 28 June Hill O
Watermarked paper for the 2½d postage stamps Mr Turner to supply 100
reams [TNA IR79/52]
1875 6 July Turner to pay
for sorting defective ‘VR’ Paper [TNA
1875 13 July O Hill
Watermarked paper for Adhesive Stamps Mr Turner to supply 200 reams of
‘Large Shamrock’ paper for 1d Telegraph stamps
reams of ditto for Dog License Stamps
1875 17
July O Hill Watermarked paper for
Adhesive Stamps Mr Turner to supply 20 reams of PM
[TNA IR79/52]
1875 27 August
De La Rue & Co
Wove Dandy for 3 sheets for South Australian Postage Paper (the pole to fit
Messrs Turner & Co Machine)
Mr Turner 1¼ in pull & ¾ shrinkage
¼ sheet writes
Bunhill Row London
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1875 21
Tuner & Co
pair single sheet moulds 22½ x 16½ in
notes on each sheet watermarked
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1875 10 November O Hill Watermarked Paper for Adhesive Stamps
Mr Turner to supply 50 reams of ‘Flower’ paper for 3d Postage Labels
150 reams ‘VR’ for Foreign Bill Stamps 200 reams ‘Shamrock Large’ for 1d Telegraph stamps. [TNA
17 November
& Turner Watermarked Paper Order
to supply 1800 reams of ‘Crown’ and Turner to supply 500 reams of ‘Flower’, 150
reams of ‘VR’ and 200 reams of ‘Shamrock’ large for Telegraph Stamps [TNA IR79/51]
4 February Board
Watermarked Paper for Adhesive Stamps Mr Turner to
supply 200 reams of ‘Shamrock’ 200 reams of ‘Orb’ paper [TNA IR79/52]
1876 Paper,
Printing and Trades Journal lists Chafford Mill No 389 –
Drawings and Bank Notes
1876 Craig’s
Directory of Paper Makers : Chafford Mill, No. 389, Turner & Co. Hand and machine, Writing, Bank, Loan one
machine 46”
[Information Simmons
collection on Wind and Water Mills held at Imperial College Library].
1876 Price List held at NPM watermarked
[NPM SM20/44 Box Paper Mill Price Lists
Turner & Co Chafford Mills]
15 June
from Richard Turner Chafford Mill
Tunbridge Wells to J Barcham
Green Hayle Mill
have not had any application to make the paper you mention, but will write to
you should I hear anything further
letters 1876]
26 April
Defective watermarked papers – the Recorder General
has received from Mr Turner the sum of £1.19.0 being the cost of sorting [TNA IR79/53 1876-94]
1878 Post Office Directory of Kent – Fordcombe
now entered alone not part of Penshurst
Resident: Richard Turner Chafford Commercial:
Turner & Co, paper makers, Chafford Mills
2 February
& Co
Wove Roller for Wove Medium Bank
sheets marked 4 times for 8vo
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1878 Agreement
dated 1 November 1878 between Richard David Rains Turner of Chafford Mills
Penshurst Kent and Walter Monkton of Basted entered into co-partnership to
carry on the business of Paper Makers under the style or firm of Messrs. R.D.
Turner & Company at Roughway – this was extended for a further ten years 13
September 1881. [Walter Monkton had mortgaged Roughway in the sum of £1,500 5
January 1875 to Frank Green, Samuel Love Green and Henry Green of 193 Upper
Thames Street, E.C. – (the Green’s were cousins of the Turners) [Roughway
Extract From hand written
note by C P Davies 20/9/59
PENSHURST – Chafford Paper Mills
Originally worked by
-------Turner subsequently by relatives, one of whom removed the bank note
paper dandy roll [watermarks are impressed on to the paper during manufacture
by passage of the pulp over a brass cylinder, called a “dandy roll”, to which
are affixed pieces of brass corresponding to the required watermark. These brass pieces are called “bits”] to
Roughway – taking this lucrative business with him, when his uncle [sic – this
was in fact Henry Warden his brother-in-law] refused to make him a partner in
the business.
[C.P.Davies Collection at the
Templeman Library, University of Kent, Canterbury ref: F123237/1]
Collection at the Templeman Library, University of Kent, Canterbury ref:
Letter from Kenneth Reid,
Essex [no date]
Dear Mr Davies: Many thanks
for your letter and the information which have confirmed my somewhat uncertain
impressions, which unless I check up as I have seen so many watermills over the
years tend to get ‘telescoped’. With
regard to Chafford Mills, I did make a sketch from a distance in 1931, though
only a slight one, and I must have lost it some years ago or forgotten to whom
I had lent it. At that date I am
certain that no building older than the semi-industrial ones then there,
c.1880, were to be seen because if a really old example survived I would have
made a note of the fact. The Main
building was I am certain a long shed, in asbestos or corrugated iron, if not a
blot on the surrounding landscape then no ornament.
From hand written note by C
P Davies 20/9/59
PENSHURST – Chafford paper
V. little remains except the
house. Paper mills was extensive, probably originally three wheels [per Mrs
Hall] – a water wheel shaft remains, about twelve feet long – has castings for
four sets of wooden arms only used occasionally sixty yrs. ago; bearing has
worn out then and was 12’ high, breast – 7ft full water. A turbine latterly drove some of the gear,
the rest being driven by a steam engine.
This engine was not man enough to work the whole of the plant but cold
drive all of it in sections as it were. Thus in short water time they wd.
prepare stud, and having prepared it, work if off on the machine.
Originally a vat mill, had
one old machine and one newer one. Made
good class writing paper, business papers, bank note paper.
The turbine had to be paid
for twice as no evidence could be found for the first payment.
Run as ‘Turner & Co’ by
people named Green, & subsequently for a brief period by Wiggins Teape, who
having acquired the trade & trade name closed the mill; said to have put
200 people out of work – this mill was “the bread and butter of Fordcombe”.
Mrs Hall thought the earlier
mill was s. of present site – on the other side of the approach road.
Mr Hall thought the
transport problem helped to kill the mill – he said they were constantly going
– daily – to fetch coal with a pack horse broad
wheeled wagon with straked
[C.P.Davies Collection of
Mill Memorabilia Kent at the Templeman Library, University of Kent, Canterbury
ref: F123237/3 & 4]
1878 Register of Incoming Papers. 1876-94
December Board
Mill Anchor Dandy Roller at present at
Somerset House to be sent to Roughway Mill for experimental working.
papers also refer to the transfer of the paper making from Chafford Mill to
Roughway Mill Received 28 December
returned 8 January 1879
[TNA IR79/53]
Falkland Islands Queen Victoria 4d grey-black first issue
variety on watermarked paper clearly showing a
centred impression of the ‘A’ of
Willy Moolenaar Collection of Falkland Islands Stamps was sold at Auction 7
February 2004 by Victoria Stamp Company
supplied the following information regarding the sale price 25/01/05: The stamp in question had an estimate of $750 but was
unsold in that sale.
It sold privately after the sale.]
29 November
Turner & Co
: One pair Wove Moulds two sheets each
18¾x 11⅞in bearing watermark as sample sheet
Ignazio & Vincenzo
For Thos De La Rue Ltd
Amies Collection Order Book 1871-1880]
1880 Register
of Incoming Papers. 1876-1894
1880 Board Watermarked Papers In
addition to the ‘Crown’ for 1d Postage three new papers to be used for all
other adhesive stamps viz orb chemically prepared at 16/6 per ream including
cost of roller. Large Anchor 16/6 and
VR also chemically prepared 20/- per ream rollers paid by the Revenue. Paper to be gauged and tested at Mill.
with R D Turner & Co for 10 years from 1 November next. [TNA IR79/53]
3 April Chafford House, Penshurst was uninhabited
in the census return.
3 April : Henry
Warden (59) born Birmingham, Stafford, Head, Paper Manufacturer Employing 68
Persons & Farming 130 Acres 6 Men & 1 Boy
is listed in the census living
at Camden Park Oakfield Court, Tonbridge [RG11/914/32/7]
3 April Richard D. R. Turner Head U (47) born
Penshurst, Kent, Paper Maker Employing 10 Men 6 Boys And 26 Women listed
in the census at Roughway (Mill House) Wrotham, Kent [RG11/904/43/31]
1882 Post Office Directory of Kent –
Fordcombe now entered alone not with Penshurst
Turner & Co, paper makers, Chafford Mills in the commercial listing
1885 Craig’s
Directory of Paper Makers : Chafford
Mill, No. 389, Turner & Co.
tub-sized and Loft Dried Writing, Bank Post, Loan, Drawing, Bank Note and
Cheque Papers, Copyings and Tissues. 2
machines and two vats
[Simmons collection on Wind and Water Mills
held at Imperial College Library].
1886 Kent’s
Paper Mills Directory published January 1st
the heading of Mills not in Working Order, to let, sell etc. list No 389
Chafford Mills Kent. Made Writings and
Drawing Papers, Hand and machine made, two machines, two vats, water and steam.
The mill appears however in the following year’s edition and subsequent issues
until 1904
collection on Wind and Water Mills held at Imperial College Library].
1886 Fordcombe
Parish Magazine – an account of the Chafford employees outing to Eastbourne
on 10 July indicated that the fares were paid for by Mr Warden
1887 Turner & Co, paper makers, Chafford
Mills, Fordcombe
collection on Wind and Water Mills held at Imperial College Library].
1890 Arjo Wiggins
Archive has letters in the secretary's letter book, one was signed by E Barlow
(a WT director) stating the intention to bid for the mill in 1890 when it was
offered for sale. They are internal letters between directors and mill
1890 Letter written by W
Green of Green Son & Waite 98 Albany Road, Old Kent Road
London S.E. 20th Feby 1890
Dear Mr Brown
you brought out your patent for improvement in watermarking you made trials on
a Dandy Roll of zinc & shaded embossed wire at Messrs Turners Chafford Mill
could you lay your hand on any of these trial sheets if so I should be much
obliged if you would lend them to me.
early reply will greatly oblige
Particulars, Plan and Conditions of Sale of the very
desirable Freehold Manufacturing Property so well known as
CHAFFORD PAPER MILLS (together with the Goodwill and Fixed Machinery).
Langridge & Freeman at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, Near the Bank of England,
E.C. On Thursday Aug.21 1890.
“The Mills are well adapted for the
high-class and profitable trade (established about 100 years) now carried on by
Messrs. Turner & Co., have good Water and Steam Power, 2 Machines and 2
Vats, and contain the following excellent accommodation:
Rag Boiling, Washing, and Bleaching
Rooms, Hand-made Paper Room, First and Second Machine Rooms, Sizing Room, 4 Air
Drying Rooms, Machines Drying Room, Glazing Room, Sorting and Finishing Room,
Manager’s and Foreman’s Office, Engine Room, 2 Store Rooms, Wrapper Room,
Engine and boiler House, &c
The Outbuildings comprise Rag House, Heated by Hot Water,
with Rag Store over, and Rage Dusting Room, Coal and Hide Stores, Gas House
with Purifier and Retort, Gasomeeter, Millwright’s Shop, Size Making House,
Smith’s Shop, Bleach Mixing Room, Store House for Chemicals, Rag Stores,
There is an abundant supply of
Spring Water flowing direct into the Mills.
[SWT has photocopy of
particulars and Map from Michael Fuller who does not know where they came from]
1891 Kellys
Warden is listed at Chafford House however in the census on 5 April she is
listed with her brother and father Henry Warden Paper Manufacturer living at
Oakfield Court, Camden Park, Tunbridge Wells [RG12/678/78]
1892 Penshurst Rates:
Henry Owner & Occupier House Paper
Mills Plant/Premises Meadow Land
Chafford Mills also for
Buildings Land Shooting
Chafford Farm and all the cottages.
1894 Kent
& Sussex Courier, Friday March 2
The annual dance at Chafford paper
mills, Fordcombe, so eagerly looked forward to by many residents of the
neighbourhood, took place on Friday evening last. For the occasion the whole of the principal rooms of the
building had been cleared of the piles of paper which usually cover it, and
every part as well as the contiguous room used for refreshments, had been
elaborately and cleverly decorated by the employees with paper of different
colours and in all sorts of forms and devices, the whole presenting a most
charming effect. By nine o’clock, upwards
of 150 people had assembled, nearly all of whom were enthusiastic devotees of
the art. Dance followed dance, in quick succession, but the dancers seemed to
show no signs of fatigue; and as many as 14 sets of quadrilles or Lancers were
going on at once.
1894 Craig’s
Directory of Paper Makers : Chafford
Mill, No. 389, Turner & Co.
tub-sized and Loft Dried Writing, Bank Post, Loan, Drawing, Bank Note and
Papers, Copyings and Tissues. 2
machines and two vats
[Simmons collection on Wind and Water Mills
held at Imperial College Library].
1895 12 Jan
& Co
Names on Ld Super Royal from W Medham to
Turner and
Mills RJ
Amies Collection Day Order Book 1895-1902]
1895 15 Jan
& Co
the word Limited 8 times to a wove roller and repaired same
1895 22 May
& Co
a pari of single sheet large laid post
Edward Monogram
Made JWC
& S
Amies Collection Day Order Book 1895-1902]
1895 7 June
& Co
a pair of single Ld medium
Edwad Mark
Made WC & S
off R Turner & Co Chafford Mills and re marking a pair of Ld Super Royal
Moulds with W Medham WM Under mark
Amies Collection Day Order Book 1895-1902]
1895 7 June
& Co
a pair single ld medium moulds
Edward Mark
Made J N C & S
G Fryer 14½ J
Tovey 14 H Pearce 8½ E Stevens ½ Total [Hours worked]
W Medham and monogram for R Turner Chafford Mills in a pair of laid super royal
Burgess 2 E Stevens ½ H
Pearce 6½ Total [hours worked] 9
Amies Collection Order Book 1895-1902] [Ledger paper Made by
Chafford Mills]
1895 5 July
Turner &
Taking off
from single ld Post King Edward hand made & substituting W Medham &
Pearce 9½ H Pearce 4 Repairing
same E Stevens ½ total [hours worked] 14
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book
1895-1902] - Ledger paper Made by Chafford Mills]
1895 8 July
Turner & Co
Single Large Laid Post
Taking of King Edward Hand Made and substituting 2 sets W Medham & W under mark and repairing same moulds
[CKS Amies Collection Day Order Book
1896 27 February
Turner & Co
Taking off from a pair of laid cap moulds W Medham &
W M and substituting four lines
King Edward J W C & S
Hand Made 4 times 39½ hours[worked]
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book
1896 27 Feb
Turner & Co
Taking off W Medham from a pair of Laid Cap and marking
them King Edward Hand Made
Monogram JWC & S under mark and repairing £3.7.3
1896 31 Oct
Turner & Co
New wove roller 17¼ x 4 x 4½ marked with 2 sheets 3 bills
on each as under
Banco de Guatemala
Cutting mark 22 wire
3 1/16 between sheets
This was re marked 8 Dec
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book
1896 31 Oct
Turner & Co
New Wove Roller 4 x 4½ x 17¼ bearing 12 sets of letters
1895 29 Oct
[CKS Amies Collection Day Order Book
1896 24 Nov
Turner & Co
New deckle to a pair foolscap laid moulds and marking
same four set as under
W T & Co 1888 taken out
Darnley Trade
Hand made D 33 hours
H Pearce making and marking 21 hours
E Stevens new deckle 16⅞ x 13⅜ 12 hrs £2.11.8
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book 1895-1902]
1897 Henry Warden of Chafford Penshurst
in the County of Kent who died on 8th January 1897 at Chafford
Penshurst aforesaid. Probate to Richard
Edward Warden of 20 Eastern Parade Southsea in the County of Hants a captain in
the Royal Artillery the son Edith Helen
Warden of Chafford Penshurst aforesaid spinster the daughter and the Reverend
Frederick Ernest Browett of 19 Lime Hill Road Tunbridge Wells in the County of
Kent Clerk the nephew (sic) the
executors [In his will Frederick Ernest Browett son-in-law]
Gross value £42,603. 3s 7d Net
£41.251.13s 4d
Extract from the last three pages of seven:
‘And I declare that my trustees may postpone
the sale and conversion of my real and personal estate or any part thereof for
so long as they shall think fit (it
being nevertheless my desire that the Chafford Paper Mills should be sold as
speedily as possible) and that the rents and income to accrue from and
after my decease of and from such part of my estate as shall for the time being
remain unsold and unconverted shall after payment thereout of all incidental
expenses and outgoings be paid and applied to the person or persons and in the
manner to whom and in which the income of the moneys produced by such sale and
conversion would for the time being be payable or applicable under this my
Will if such sale and conversion had been actually made
I also declare that my trustees may let any hereditaments for the time being
remaining unsold either from year to year or for any term of years not
exceeding twenty one years in possession and not in reversion at such rents and
subject to such covenants as they shall think fit and may accept surrenders of
lease and tenancies fell timber and other trees standing on the said
hereditaments whether for sale repairs or otherwise and generally may manage
the same in such manner as they shall think fit and the proceeds of any timber
sold by my trustees shall be considered as income and paid and applied accordingly
I authorise and empower my trustees if they shall in their absolute discretion
think expedient so to do until the sale and realization of my Mills and Farm at Chafford and the effects thereon which
nevertheless it is my desire shall be disposed of as soon after my decease as may be to make such
arrangements as may seem to them desirable for carrying on the same until the
sale thereof as aforesaid and for that purpose if they shall so think fit to
employ in the said businesses the whole or any part of my capital which shall
be employed therein at my decease and also such further part (if any) of my
estate and effects as to my trustees shall seem proper and with liberty also to
employ such managers agents and clerks in or about the said businesses and to
allow to them such salaries and wages as my trustees shall think fit And I
declare that my trustees may if they shall think fit leave any moneys invested
at the time of my decease in the same investments in which they then may be and
that all moneys liable to be invested under this my Will may be invested in or
upon any stocks funds or securities Of or guaranteed by the Government of the United Kingdom or of any
British Colony or Dependency or in stock of the Bank of England or the
debenture or debenture stock or guaranteed or preference stock or shares of any
Railway or other Company in Great Britain or India incorporated by Act
of Parliament or Royal charter and paying a dividend on its ordinary stock or
shares or upon real or leasehold securities in England or Wales but not elsewhere
such leasehold securities being held for a term whereof sixty years at least
shall be unexpired at the time of such investment with power for my trustees
from time to time, at their discretion to vary such investments And in lending
money on. any mortgage security my trustees may accept whatever
title or evidence of title shall appear to them sufficient and in particular
may in the case of leasehold securities waive the production of the lessors
title without being answerable for any loss arising thereby and my trustees may
release any part of the property comprised in any mortgage security if satisfied
that the remaining property is a sufficient security for the money owing
thereon And I also declare that my trustees may if they think fit lend money on
any such security as aforesaid in conjunction with money advanced by any other
person or persons by way of contributory loan and in such case the security may
be taken in the point names of the several contributories or any two or more of
them or in the point names of any two or more persons to be nominated by the
several contributories or such other arrangement may be made in relation
thereto as the trustees may think fit And I declare that my trustees or trustee
for the time being of this my Will may at discretion make any sale subject to
any conditions whether actually required by the state of the title or other
circumstances or not which may be deemed expedient and on loan of money may at
their discretion fix the amount to be advanced not exceeding two thirds of the
value at the time of making such loan as
ascertained by a valuation obtained in the usual course of business of the
property to be comprised in the security without regard to any rule limiting
the powers of trustees in those respects and the trustees or trustee shall not
be liable for any loss incurred through any act done or omitted to be done or
the exercise of any discretion in reference to the matters aforesaid And the
trustees for the time being of my Will may in their uncontrolled discretion
instead of acting personally employ and pay a Solicitor or any other person to
transact any business or do any act of whatever nature required to be done in
the premises including the receipt and payment of money And I declare
that the legacies to my servants and the annuity to the said Eleanor Butcher
respectively bequeathed by this my Will shall be free of legacy duty IN WITNESS
whereof I the said Henry Warden have to this my last Will and Testament
contained in this and the preceding seven sheets of paper set my hand this
twenty seventh day of March One thousand eight hundred and ninety five HENRY WARDEN Signed and declared by the said Henry Warden the testator
an and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at
the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of-each
other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses - WILLIAM READING Manager Chafford Mills Nr Tunbridge Wells OWEN
E.READING Foreman Chafford Mills Nr Tunbridge Wells
On the 1st day of March 1897 Probate of this Will was granted to Richard
Edward Warden Edith Helen Warden Spinster and The Reverend Fredrick Ernest
Browett Clerk the executors
[William Reading was
connected with the mill for 28 years and Owen Reading was apprenticed at the
mill in 1876 and received his cards of Freedom in 1882] [JVS]
1897 The Paper-Maker
March 1897 Chafford Paper Mills, Penshurst, Kent – These mills were put up
to auction on the 8th inst., at the Mart, Token-house Yard, E.C., by Messrs.
Langridge & Freeman of Queen Street, E.C., and Tunbridge Wells. The mills have been established more than a
century. They are adapted for a
profitable and high-class trade, and were offered as a going concern with water
and steam-power, two paper machines, family residence, etc. The first bid was £2,500, and the highest
offer being £6,100, the property was withdrawn. [Jottings from 50 years ago The
Paper-Maker and British Paper Trade Journal March 1947 p.158]
Turner & Co.
New pair wove moulds 31 ¾ “ x 16 1/8 “ for share
warrants and marked with
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901]
1897 Nov
Turner & Co.
Altering names on Ld. Double F.cap from W. Medham M to Darnley Hand
Made and repairing same
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p174]
1898 July
Turner & Co.
New Deckle 27 ½ “ x 17 “ Laid Double
Foolscap Darnley Hand Made
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p 222]
1898 Nov
Putting 4 cutting marks and 16 dots over
letters O on wove roller
Ledger 1895-1901 p243]
1898 Dec
Turner & Co.
New wove roller 4’4” x 16⅛ “ marked two sheet, each bearing 8 set
reversed to read from centre as under
Case No. 1501
1898 Turner & Co. Ltd.
Taking R. Turner & dates from laid
foolscap and marking instead four set of
Nissen Arnold, London
And repairing faces on same
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p254]
Turner & Co. Ltd.
New covering wove roller 16” in circum. &
4’ 4½” bearing 8 sets of marks
Waterlow & Sons Limited
New covering on a wove roller 22” circum.
& 43½ bearing 4 set of marks
Harry S. King & Co. London
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p260]
1898 16 September
The Companies Acts,
1862 to 1893 : Turner & Company (Chafford Mills) Limited
Nominal Capital
£15,000 divided into 1500 shares of £10
Amongst the company
papers there are memos dated 15/12/1899, 12/12/1900 and a letter dated 19
December 1903 all watermarked
[TNA BR31/8142/58831]
1898 Original Papermakers
Recorder 22 September
Mr Herbert Green became Chairman and Managing Director.
The business became known as Turner & Co. Ltd with the ‘R Turner’
countermark still being used until November 1905. [JVS]
1899 From a
price list of Machine Made Papers dated
August 1899
Turner & Co. Ltd beg to hand you herewith their new revised Price List with
samples of a few of their leading sorts.
They are
prepared to quote for any Tub Sized and Loft Dried Papers not included in the
Price List which comprises chiefly stock sorts.
They are
specially able to make small quantities of special paper whether
watermarked or plain.
is in all cases 5% for monthly payments.
& Co., Ltd., Chafford Mills, Nr. Tunbridge Wells
R TURNER Commercial Posts & Banks
1st Quality
Commerical Posts
389 2nd
Book Papers
TURNER, KENT Copyings, 1st
SM20/44 Box Paper Mill Price
1899 From an updated
list tipped into an 1899 edition of Cross & Bevan [NPM SM20/28 Box 2]
Mill No 389 Turner
& Co Chafford Mills Nr Tunbridge Wells Kent
Bank Post Drawing
Paper &c
Mill No 321 Turner R D & Co Roughway Mills Tonbridge
Special Watermarked
Paper Only
1899 May
Turner & Co. Ltd.
New covering Laid medium roller 16⅜ x
4½ and marking same for two sheets as under
R Turner
Ledger Paper
Kent Trade
Mark R.T.
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p268]
1899 June
R. Turner Ledger Paper Kent
Trade Mark R.T.
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p272]
1899 June
Turner & Co.Ltd
Foolscap Moulds Waterlow
& Bros. & Layton Limited
Brass edging on
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p272]
1899 June
Turner & Co. Ltd.
Marking four set of N&A under devices on
Ld. F. cap
Nissen & Arnold
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p 274]
1899 July
Turner & Co. Ltd.
Repairing Demy moulds 4 set Nissen &
Arnold 1844 N+A
Repairing & cleaning body, new covering and marking with four set
as under Laid Demy Roller 44 ½ “ x 30 in circum.
R. Turner
Ledger Paper Kent Trade Mark R.T.
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p275]
1899 July
Spiral Laid Roller 4’ 4” & 15 7/8”
R. Turner
Ledger Paper
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p279]
1900 Turner & Co. Ltd.
20 5/8” x 15 ¾” and
marking same with 4 set G.C. & Co. 1900 and repairing
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p309]
1900 April
Turner & Co. Ltd.
New covering a wove roller 4’ 4” & 17 1/8”
and marking with 8 set for medium
IN A CIRCLE [also has illustrations]
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p310]
1900 May
Turner & Co. Ltd.
Marking a pair Wove Royal Moulds with 176 letters for coupons two
letters of following inscription on each Royal Trans African Railway Co.
[this is share certificate]
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p312]
1900 June
Turner & Co. Ltd.
Nissen Arnold
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p317]
1900 June
Turner & Co. Ltd.
New Deckle to Laid Foolscap Nissen &
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p320]
1900 Aug.
12 envelope mould & new deckle for W. M.
Chafford Mill
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p 325]
1900 Aug.
Turner & Co. Ltd.
Marking a pair of wove medium mould 22” x 18”
for B.N. on each under B.N.B.C.
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p327]
1900 Nov.
Turner & Co. Ltd.
‘Octavo Albert Note’
And Turner & Co. Ltd. Altering deckle
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p 335]
1901 July
Turner & Co. Ltd.
[Ledger paper]
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p362]
1901 Sept.
Turner & Co. Ltd.
R. Turner
Ledger Paper
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p370]
1901 Oct.
Turner & Co. Ltd.
(provides machine wire)
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p371]
1901 Oct.
Goodall & Son Ltd. Camden Works
New pair two sheet Laid moulds 18” x 14”
marked with tearing wires
Elsevir C.G.&S. Ltd.
Boxwood edges on ends of frames
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p371]
1901 Oct.
Turner & Co. Ltd.
Wm. Duff & Co.
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p376]
1901 Nov.
Turner & Co. Ltd.
Darnley Hand Made
[CKS Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p377]
1901 Turner & Co. Ltd.
J. W. C. & S.
Crown King Edward Hand Made
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p386]
1902 22 February
Turner &
Co Ltd
Repairing laid
moulds Chafford Note
J Tovey 8/-
Amies Collection Order Book 1895-1902 - Ledger paper Made by
Chafford Mills]
1902 Feb.
Turner & Co. Ltd.
New covering Wove Roller
R. Turner Kent
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p387]
1902 Feb.
Turner & Co. Ltd.
Marking only a Wove Roller 4’ 4” & 17 1/8”
with 8 set as under R. Turner Chafford Mills
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p388]
1902 Feb
Turner & Co. Ltd.
Repairing Laid Moulds
Chafford Note.
Amies Collection Ledger 1895-1901 p389]
1902 Original
Papermakers Recorder March
Report of the
sudden death of Owen Reading, Manager of Chafford. [JVS]
[Owen Reading had
been an apprentice at the mill from 1876 and received his Cards of Freedom in 1882 working almost continuously
at Chafford from that time. He died of
pneumonia following influenza aged only 41.
The name of Reading had long been associated with Chafford, his father
William was connected with the mill for 28 years and under his management it
achieved a high degree of prosperity.
Owen was at one point appointed Examiner of Paper in H..M.Stationery
Office but he returned to the mill and shortly afterwards became Manager - obit
information JVS]
1902 27 March
Turner &
Co. Ltd
New covering and Loan
Wove Post Roller 4’ x 4’ x 16⅛ and marking with 8scts all in white wove
as under
R Turner
Amies Collection Order Book 1895-1902 - Ledger paper Made by
Chafford Mills]
1902 1st July
In view of the recent
outbreak of smallpox at Speldhurst the managing directors expect that all
employees of the Company will be vaccinated except in cases where the Public
Vaccinator considers it unnecessary.
Arrangements will be
made for the Public Vaccinator to attend at the Mill for the purpose.
The vaccination is
[HMA Letter Book Feb 26 –
Sept 1902]
1902 29th July
We shall be shut for
next week & the week after & can spare at least a ton of
fleshings if you think you want them now if so you can arrange with either
Maidstone or Ashford (mentioning that you are doing so after consulting me
about it)
[HMA Letter Book Feb 26 –
Sept 1902]
1904 18 March
Turner & Co Ltd
Marking of Wove
Roller 6 sets
R Turner Kent
Cover was taken off
the rollers £1.19.0
[CKS Amies Collection Order Book]
1905 Letter dated 21
Jan from Turner & Co Ltd Chafford Mills Nr Tunbridge Wells to The Registrar of Joint Stocks Somerset House
A little explanation
is due as to the cause of delay in presenting the Annual Return of this
Company. The Return was left at the
Post Office at Tunbridge Wells and the fee stamp paid on January 4th on the understanding that it would be
forwarded in due course to the proper Authority at Somerset House. The document
has however just been returned to me, and I now forward it with apologies for
Should any
communication on the above matter require reply from me., I should be glad to
have it addressed as below.
I am Sir,
Rob W Bullen
Fordcombe, Tunbridge
[Water Mark R TURNER
[A Robert Bullen aged
51 born Santisham Norfolk is listed as a Certified Elementary Teacher living at
Penshurst in the 1901 Census index]
1905 Kent Kelly’s
R.Turner &
Co. Ltd – Chafford Mill
1905 Original
Papermakers Recorder Turner &
Co (Chafford Mills) Ltd. Resolution
passed for voluntary winding up of this company.
Herbert Green of Hayle Mill, Maidstone and Mr Laurence Green of Oaklands,
Maidstone, appointed liquidators. [JVS].
1905 Chafford Mill
purchased by Wiggins Teape (1899) & Co. Ltd. Sold in 1914. [See Appendix 2 below]
experiments in Photographic Base made here (The Gateway, Centenary Issue
collection on Wind and Water Mills held at Imperial College Library].
1906- Paper Mills
1912 Wiggins Teape & Co. Ltd – pure rags
only, superfine tub sized and loft dried hand and machine made writing, bank, post, loan, drawing, bank note and
cheque papers, copyings and tissues
1906 Buckland Mill was
keen to make photographic paper and when the mill became too busy to continue
to make sample runs Chafford Mill, Fordcombe near Tunbridge Wells was
purchased. The mill had fallen into the
hands of Hough, Hunt and Austen, all rag merchants, as liquidators. It was an old mill with four vats and two
machines, one 36 inches wide installed about 1820 and the other 42 inches wide
installed about 1850. The latter
machine had been shown at the Great Exhibition, the 42 inch machine made a
perfect sheet of paper [from a Paper on Buckland Paper Mills - Lewis Hobday]
1907 ‘A
mill of historical interest, and one on which the progress of time has had less
effect than in the majority of cases, is that belonging to Messrs. Turner known
as Chafford Mills, in the Tunbridge Wells District. 1746 is the date given of its birth, and good spring water and
its position on the river were probably the chief factors in the choice of
location. A machine was added to the
vats in 1820 and another in 1846.
Superfine writings, best copying and tissues have been the leading
qualities of paper made, and, owing to the fact that they have been similar to
the hand-made papers, and produced under the old style, the alterations in the
mill have been conspicuous by their absence.
[The Paper Trade by A Dykes Spicer
1907 p 185]
1910 Mill Directory Chafford Mill (No 389) near
Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Pure Rag
Papers only, superfine tubsized and loft dried. Hand & Machine made
Writings, Bank Post , Loan, Drawing,
Bank Note
& Cheque Papers, Copyright and Tissues
2 PM’s & 2
1912 A Jos. Turner represented Turner & Co. Chafford Mills in 1912 at
the Annual Dinner of the Papermakers Association of Great Britain
held at the Prince's Hall Hotel, London. [Information Jeff Woolgar]
1914 Kent & Sussex Courier and Southern
Counties Herald Friday 27th
March 1914
Next Fordcombe, Kent. Messrs Brackett & Sons are instructed to
sell by public auction at the Swan Hotel, Tunbridge Wells
on Friday 3rd
April 1914 at 4 p.m. (unless previously disposed of by private treaty), the
well-known freehold property
MILLS. Consisting of very extensive
buildings and premises, situated on the banks of the river Medway
which are
adaptable for the purpose of any industrial undertaking requiring water power,
The Mill House, 18 freehold cottages
and a parcel
of building land.
The total area
comprises about 20a[acres] 1r[rod] 27p[perches].
Messrs. Markby, Stewart and Co 57,
Coleman Street, EC
offices 27 and 29 High Street, Tunbridge Wells and 34 Craven Street, Charing
Cross W.C.
from article that appeared in the Kent & Sussex Courier 5 February 1993.
Mill, closed in 1913 and demolished in 1930 was a busy local industry and the
main employer. The former corn mill switched to papermaking
at the end of the 17th
century. Half the village
population worked there, and the annual papermakers’ ball became the principal
event in Fordcombe’s
calendar. Mr Wellards says: ‘The main reason for the closure of the mill was
transport problems. Every day teams of horses hauled wagons
with coal for the mill furnace from Ashurst station. The strong beasts had to
lean backwards and pick their way carefully as they descended
steep winding lane from Fordcombe to the river. The finished paper was taken to
Penshurst station’. In its prosperous
times under the ownership
of Mr
Warden, Chafford mill won the contract to make paper for Bank of England notes
and postage stamps. Pay was good and
earn a living wage by working only one or two days a week. But there were hard
times too, and sometimes candles burned in the mill late at night
to meet
a rush order. Chafford paper’s fine
texture was credited to the spring water used in its manufacture; the river was
used only to power the
through a 24ft wooden wheel. This paper
had another special quality, discovered when letters written by Mr Turner an
owner of the mill,
to Lord Hardinge resisted India’s voracious
white ants. As a result, the mill won
the Government of India’s paper contract, a valuable asset
which it
passed on to Wiggins Teape. They found the heavy hauling at Fordcombe too much
of a problem and moved the business to Dover.
Appendix I
Entries from the Church
Rates for Penshurst
CKS 1721-60
[P287/5/1] 1760-1801
[P287/5/2] Film 956]
Oliver Stidolph (Hall Borough)
Richard Woodhams for Fulling Mill Island
Wm Woodhams for Chafford
Oliver Stidolph
After this date it did not
mention Chafford but Wm Woodhams was just listed - I assume this was for Chafford House
Oliver Stidolph
Wm Woodham for Fulling
Mill Island (Middle Ward)
Wm Woodhams
Wm Stidolph
After this date occupiers
were listed alphabetically not by property
Wm Stidolph
Wm Stidolph Fulling Mill
Thos Woodhams Stanbridge
pt Chafford & Chipstead Woods
William Stidolph
William Stidolph Fulling
Mill Island
Thos Woodhams as above
Wm Stidolph Mill Island
Thos Woodhams as above
Wm Stidolph (Town)
Occupier late Wm Stidolph
Mill Island
Wm Stidolph or Occupier
Thos Woodhams was paying
for late Stidolphs
Wm Stidolph or occupier
for Mill Island
John Woodhams for pt
John Woodhams for Chafford
Occupier late Wm Stidolph
Houses Paper Mill Island
Messrs Damiza or occupier
of Mill Island
Mess Demeza (this was
listed under letter 'S' where previous entries for Stidolph had been shown)
Thos.Woodhams land late Stidolph
Mr Elgar Mill Island
Mr Ellgar
Mr Thos Elgar (this could
have been Mrs)
Mr Thos Elgar (this could have been Mrs)
Mr Willm Elgar
Thos Woodhams still paying
for Fordcombe & Mill Lane late Stidolph
Wm Woodham Chafford
Mr Wm Elgar
Mr Willm Elgar
Thos Woodhams still paying
for Fordcombe & Mill Lane late Stidolph
Wm Woodham Chafford
Mr Wm Elgar
Thos Snatchall for part
Mr Wm Turner
Mr Wm Turner
Mr Wm Turner
Mr Wm Turner
Then gap in rates until
Mr Wm Turner
Mill Island
Mr Wm Turner
Mr Wm Turner
Mill Island
Mr Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Turner George & Rd for
Wm Turner
Turner George & Rd for
Turner William
Turner Geo & Richd
Turner George Richd Willm
Turner Willm
Turner George &
Turner William
Turner Messfs
Turner Messfs
Turner Richd
£4.6. 7½d
Richard Turner
£4.0. 0¾d
Turner Rich Esq
Turner Rich Esq for land
Turner R.D.R. Esq
Warden Henry
Tax for Penshurst Film 124
late Wm Stidolph
Thos Elgar
Wm Elgar
Wm Turner
Land Tax for Penshurst from Original Papers at CKS 4 February 2005
¼ ly assessment
Mr W Stidolph
Stidolph Wm
Stidolph Wm
Stidolph Willm
1784 18/6
William Stidolph
1785 1/7
William Stidolph
D &C 1787
Occupier late W.Stidolph
1789 18/7
Mr Ellgar
Demeza & Stroud
Mr Ellgar
Mr Tho Elgar
Mr Elgar
Mr Wm Ellgar
Mr Wm Ellgar
Mr Wm Ellgar
1797 10/7
Mr Wm Turner
Mr Willm Turner
watermark diff.paper and layout
Turner Mr Willm
Wm Turner
W ELGAR 1797
Wm Turner
W ELGAR 1798
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
M B 180?
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
1811 8/11
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
only the one entry
Land Tax
for Hall Borough Penshurst CKS Ref:
QRP1/295 Film 125
¼ ly assessment
Mr Elgar
Mrs Kember
Mr Taylor & Mr Swain
Mr Elgar
Mrs Kember
Geo Demeza &
Wm Stroud
Mr Elgar
Mr Elgar
Mr Elgar
Mr Elgar
Mich Saxby
Wm Turner (in
place of Elgar)
W ELGAR 1795
Wm Turner (in
place of Elgar)
ELGAR 1796
Wm Turner (in
place of Elgar)
ELGAR 1796
Wm Turner (in
place of Elgar)
W ELGAR 1798
Wm Turner
Mr Elgar
Mr Saxby
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
Wm Turner
? Hinton Mill 1806
Rent 52
G & R TURNER 1821
Appendix II
Comments regarding the demise of the Mill written by Daven Chamberlain formerly of
Wiggins Teape
The must useful information in the archive is the
mill accounts for all of the WT Mills from around 1890-1930, with a break in
the late 1890s. These include
all the account details for Chafford. These show
conclusively why it was closed.
That Wiggins Teape asset stripped the place
[Quarterly 22] is a ridiculous thing to suggest, when you consider the age of
the machinery and that they
found the
heavy hauling at Fordcombe too much trouble.
The truth is far simpler – it was a loss making mill. At a period when the main WT mills
(Dover and
Chorley) were both making profits of around £20k per year, Chafford hovered
between a positive and negative balance of under £900 per annum.
There was no way a company like WT could afford to
keep the mill going under these circumstances.
There are letters in the archive to show that WT
were interested in purchasing the mill in 1890 when it was first put up for
auction, so interest in the mill went
back a long
way. It is probable that the interest was related to WT’s apparent interest in
photographic papers, which, according to the Website
(need to
check source) went back to the 1890s also.
For some reason they did not get the mill then (probably too expensive)
[In 1897 mills were put up
for auction. Lowest bid was £2,500 highest was
£6,100. The property was withdrawn from sale. Mentions auctioneer’s name WPTR
1947 mentions
info from 50 years ago][ WPTR 1947 refers to an article in The World's
Paper Trade Review of 1947.This was a major paper journal until it's demise in 1972].
Instead WT
got it from the liquidators in 1905 when it failed to sell for a third time at auction.
If the WT interest in photographic papers is
correct, and we know Chafford were making a photographic grade in the 1800s
(calotype), then we have
the most
probably reason for it’s purchase. It
may have been to asset strip – but only intellectually. The plant was too old to be of
My problem with this idea is that Calotype paper
manufacture appears to have been followed around the middle of the 19th
century –
but there is no record in the article [Quarterly 22]
about the end of the century when WT became interested in the mill.
It is known that WT ran experiments around 1911 at
the mill (info from a prospectus issued by WT in 1919 when they underwent
capital flotation).
The Directory Listing in 1910 however does not list
photographic papers – only general rag and other high quality grades. So photographic manufacture
at the mill under the auspices of WT was probably
only at an experimental level.